Home Senai offers 3.600 vacancies in 4 free courses with guaranteed certificate; subscribe now

Senai offers 3.600 vacancies in 4 free courses with guaranteed certificate; subscribe now

17 May 2023 to 11: 22
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Senai offers 3.600 vacancies in 4 free courses with guaranteed certificate; subscribe now

Senai Ceará has thousands of new vacancies in 4 free courses entitled to a certificate. Elementary school students over 14 years old can participate.

O National Service for Industrial Apprenticeship (Senai) in the state of Ceará started the week with the opening of 3.600 vacancies in free courses in the format of distance education (EaD), all have a total duration of 160 hours. For students who complete the course, a certificate provided for in the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO) will be made available, which can be presented in evidence of titles when taking public tenders.

Free EAD courses with certificate opened by Senai

A capacity is mediated by a tutor and will feature live classes. The workload is 160 hours. Opportunities are distributed as follows:

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Logistics Operations Assistant (600 vacancies)

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Human Resources Assistant (1.200 vacancies)

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Administrative Assistant (1.200 vacancies)

It aims to train professionals to carry out work relevant to the administrative areas of industries and commercial departments, in accordance with the law, technical standards, internal procedures, environmental, quality and health and safety at work standards.

Enrollment in free EAD courses with certificate can be done online

Candidates interested in participating in the senai free courses must have finished elementary school and be over 14 years old.

In order to carry out the online training, the student must have a laptop, computer, smartphone or any other device. It will also be necessary to confirm the possibility of financing the course, through a self-declaration at the time of registration.

Registration for the free courses from Senai Ceará can be done through the platform of the institution itself. On the platform, it is necessary to inform the name, type of identification document and the desired sector as the first course option. Senai also offers other paid courses on its website. For those who complete the training, Senai Ceará also offers a 20% discount on another open course.


Meet Senai

Nationally founded in 1942, Senai is the result of studies carried out by Dr. Euvaldo Lodi, then president of CNI, and economist Valentim Rebouças, president of FIESP. The institution emerged as a means of professional education aimed at industry. Currently, it is one of the most respected entities of professional education and technological innovation in the country, being a reference of quality and credibility.

It is worth remembering that Ceará was one of the first states to have a Senai unit, founded in November 1943, where the first courses offered were those of mechanical lathe, carpenter, mechanical fitter and technical draftsman, at the facilities of the Centro Ferroviário Profissional da RVC. Since it was founded, Senai has played an essential and historic role in the training of Ceará workers.

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