Curiosities If you have meal vouchers, be careful! Improper use can result in dismissal for just cause! Roberta Souza 10/11/2024 ร s 14:13
Corporate News Next stop: mass layoffs! 80% of railway workers will be laid off! In total, more than 4.200 contracts have been terminated! Roberta Souza 16/10/2024 ร s 23:37
Automotivo Imminent Disaster: Volkswagen announces factory closures and mass layoffs Roberta Souza 03/09/2024 ร s 18:53
Economy The era of induced dismissal? Companies use 'forced ostracism' to avoid compensation Rafaela Fabris 15/08/2024 ร s 16:49
Industry Mass layoff at Intel! Company plans to reduce costs and 10 employees could lose their jobs Ruth Rodrigues 01/08/2024 ร s 18:29
Corporate News Gerdau takes decisive measures, paralyzes the plant in Barรฃo de Cocas and fires more than 400 employees! Roberta Souza 30/05/2024 ร s 20:04
Economy Google announces layoffs of more than a thousand employees and foresees more cuts for 2024, to invest in artificial intelligence Ruth Rodrigues 22/01/2024 ร s 21:54
Oil and Gas 3R Petroleum (RRRP3) announces issuance of US$500 million in debt. Paulo S. Nogueira 22/01/2024 ร s 09:47
Automotivo GM, the largest automaker in the US, announces the layoff of 1300 workers at two factories Ruth Rodrigues 18/12/2023 ร s 21:11
Automotivo Volkswagen boss announces mass layoffs for 2024, in addition to unprecedented cost savings of up to 10 million euros Roberta Souza 01/12/2023 ร s 08:17
Economy GM Case: Can companies operating in Brazil fire employees or not, even if they pay their labor rights? Paulo Nogueira 06/11/2023 ร s 11:04
Logistics and Transport Maersk announces layoffs of 10 THOUSAND employees due to challenges in the maritime transport sector Ruth Rodrigues 03/11/2023 ร s 16:50