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Wind turbines and solar panels in the Northeast set a record for generating electricity that can supply all of the region's demand!

Written by Flavia Marinho
03/08/2022 às 15:14
Updated 22/08/2022 às 17:47
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Wind and solar energy set record for the Northeast – Imagem DiariodoNordeste

In addition to wind, solar energy also breaks records and energy generation could supply all states in the Northeast, with the exception of Maranhão! 

The space dispute of these renewable energy sources has been proven every day through new studies monitored by the ONS (National Organization of the Electrical System). According to the Organization, wind turbines in the Northeast reached a new record for instantaneous electricity generation, with 14.167 megawatts (mW) and solar energy generation in the region produced 2.963 megawatts.

In more practical language, wind turbines can provide enough energy for nine states, not counting the 23% share that can be exported, which is their record. In addition, solar energy has also been gaining space and increasing its production, reaching up to 27,5% of the energy used in the Northeastern states, except Maranhão.

Although solar energy is on the rise in Brazil, wind energy has a much greater presence compared to other sources.

Still speaking of the Northeast region of the country, the ONS states that with the winds present in the month of July, wind energy could once again break records. The monthly bulletins, written by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, show an increase in the production and use of renewable energies compared to 2021, reaching almost 50% of participation.

Wind energy has a disproportionately greater presence compared to other sources. According to the Internal Supply of Electric Energy (OIEE), the estimate is that this energy will reach 11% of participation, while solar energy should reach 3,9%. 

Wind and solar energy are on the rise in Brazil, because they are the most competitive. This factor was proven after an analysis carried out by the Electric Energy Trading Chamber, with the disclosure in June of the last ten auctions carried out by the government and it is these auctions that decide which source the biggest investment goes to. 

Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact her for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our portal.

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