Home USP offers 245 places in free online and distance learning courses in the area of ​​programming

USP offers 245 places in free online and distance learning courses in the area of ​​programming

14 June 2021 to 20: 45
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USP - free courses - programming - vacancies
Student studying at USP – credits: USP oficial

Have you ever thought about learning Python programming? So don't miss the registration date for the free courses offered by USP

Through the Institute of Mathematical and Computing Sciences (ICMC), the University of São Paulo (USP) will open 245 vacancies in a free EAD course, in the area of ​​programming. In addition to this, another good news is that you will not need any prerequisites to participate.

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Find out about USP's free courses

The free EAD course, which is being made available by USP, is aimed at people who are not familiar with the basic concepts of programming. According to the ICMC, based on the introduction, the student must have the initiative to continue his studies in the area of ​​programming.

According to the Institute's professor and course coordinator, Roseli Francelin, the language covered in the free courses at USP will be Python, which is much easier for those who are starting in the area of ​​programming and is also being widely used.

She claims that students in the free course will know all the basics of the programming language, how to use them and the main functions available, but points out that only students who complete 75% of the activities of the EAD course will receive USP completion certificates. .

Francelin says that after completing the free course at USP, students will be ready to take training at more advanced levels, as they will already have the necessary basis to participate and learn other things.

Viewer discretion: Candidates will only be able to enroll for the free course on the USP website from June 15th to 17th. The EAD classes will be broadcast on the 19th, 20th, 26th and 27th of June, from 14 pm to 17 pm.


Learn about the Python programming language

In principle, Python is a high-level programming language, that is, with a simpler syntax and more similar to human language. It is used in various applications such as web, desktop, servers and data science.

This programming language emerged in the 90s, created by the mathematician and programmer Guido Van Rossum, from Holland. It was created to highlight the developer's work, facilitating the writing of a readable, clean and simple code, not only in smaller applications, but also in more complex programs.

Free courses are changing young people's lives

At the beginning of the pandemic, Ana Monteiro, a UEMG student, was fired from the company that worked as a business educator. At the beginning of this year, she decided to go into the programming area.

In just over 4 months, Ana reached the position of junior IT analyst. She claims that the course gave her a range of opportunities such as a steady job and also her launch, with the support of the company where she works at the moment, of Epopeia Tech, a podcast that tells stories of women who are going to technology area.  

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