Home Vacancies for Electrician, Mechanic, Safety Technician and more, for Espírito Santo

Vacancies for Electrician, Mechanic, Safety Technician and more, for Espírito Santo

29 January 2020 to 13: 26
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Company in the transport segment requests electrician, mechanic, safety technician and more, for vacancies in Espírito Santo

Business group in the segment of transport, trucks and trains, the Group Saint Zita opens job vacancies for Mechanic, Electrician, Occupational Safety Technician, Lantern and more, for Viana, in the state of Espírito Santo. The offshore maritime support sector in Macaé starts job openings on this day, January 29

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The company is present in the displacement area, aiming at an efficient service to customers and contributing to the development of the greater Vitória metropolitan area, in Espírito Santo.

The company's job vacancies are described below, with some of the requirements. Check out!

Sr. Accounting Analyst – Viana, Espírito Santo

Higher education in accounting sciences; experience in planning, organizing and analyzing demands relevant to the accounting, property, tax and monthly balance sheets, as well as experience in the tax area, ancillary obligations at the municipal, state and federal levels; Time availability.

Electrician – Viana, Espírito Santo

Complete high school; experience in function as a diesel car specialist required; Time availability; will work on a scale on weekends;

Lanternman – Viana, ES

Complete high school; experience required in changing sheet metal, applying anti-rust and straightening diesel car structure; Time availability; will operate on a weekend scale.

Mechanic – Viana, ES

Time availability; will work on a scale on weekends; experience in the function with specialty in diesel car is required.

Occupational Safety Technician – Viana, ES

Technician needed in the area; have a TEM record (active); work experience desirable; office package knowledge.


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