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Ceará will open a new solar energy panel factory and many jobs will be generated

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 27/05/2021 às 12:14
plants - solar energy - photovoltaics - jobs - Ceará
Solar energy complex - Photo: ABSOLAR Disclosure

To rebuild the economy by generating new jobs, the Government of Ceará closed a new contract with a solar power plant assembler

The Government of the State of Ceará closed an agreement with a Brazilian company for the installation of an assembly line of photovoltaic systems and panels, for the generation of energy, through solar energy plants, strengthening, even more, the renewable energy sector in the country. Ceará and generating many more jobs in the state.

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According to Maia Júnior, the Secretary for Economic Development and Labor in Ceará, the agreement between the company and the state is finalized and is only awaiting official disclosure, which will take place in the next few days, by the governor of Ceará, Camilo Santana (PT). The assembly line of photovoltaic solar energy plants will take place in Complexo do Pecém.

The name of the company that will build the plant assembly line, which promises to generate several jobs, cannot be revealed due to the confidentiality commitment made in the negotiation, but Maia claims that it is a company with a large presence in the Southeast. According to him, the agreement will attract new investments, but not just because of that, since the state also depends on the logistics it has today.

Ceará gains prominence in the solar energy market

With the arrival of the plate assembler for photovoltaic solar power plants, the Government hopes to transform Ceará into an industrial center in the photovoltaic energy sector in the Distributed Generation system. Distributed generation is a modality in which citizens produce energy on their own. The automaker will buy the inputs for the panels of photovoltaic solar power plants and assemble them in the state for distribution.

The agreement for the installation of a solar panel assembly line that promises to move the economy and generate several jobs in Pecém, is part of the state plan to create a complete hub with important activities in the exploration of renewable energy.

“With green hydrogen and this agreement finalized, we closed the cycle, providing a very important future wealth for the state of Ceará” says Maia.

Solar energy market unlocks jobs in Brazil

The actions of the Ceará government are also part of the plan to rebuild the state's economic activity, which will invest more to attract investments with a strong technological base and which may demand a more qualified workforce in the country, making the local talent to emerge and many higher paying jobs to be generated.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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