Home More savings for companies: learn about the technology that promises to reduce 50% of power outages in large industries to increase profit

More savings for companies: learn about the technology that promises to reduce 50% of power outages in large industries to increase profit

2 from 2022 to 10 at 07: XNUMX
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More savings for companies: learn about the technology that promises to reduce 50% of power outages in large industries to reduce costs
Image source: Engenhacom

The electrical panel is one of the main responsible for the functioning of the electric energy of companies and industries, mainly of medium and large size. With that in mind, problems such as unexpected failures can reduce revenue and bring losses due to low productivity, not to mention the extra expenses incurred to carry out the repair. 

A survey shared by Schneider Electric, for example, shows that a large proportion of panel failures are due to poor maintenance and loose wires that impair connectivity and power. Schneider Electric is a company focused on the electricity sector present in more than 100 countries that operates with a huge portfolio of customers offering services aimed at global energy management and matrices. 

A survey carried out by the institution shows that about 20% of the other faults in the electrical networks are caused by environments considered aggressive, such as high temperatures that cause wires to melt and even pollution. The chemical condensation processes also interfere with the durability of the systems, causing them to be automatically turned off in some situations, overloads and short circuits are also added to this percentage. 

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Maintenance on the panels is necessary for companies to be able to reduce energy costs

As a way to reduce the expenses of companies with their electrical networks, it is necessary to maintain the panels, especially in large establishments and industries, which operate 24 hours a day. Many times, the stoppage of the activities of the employees due to issues related to the wiring do not need to happen and the profit is harmed by lack of investments that, initially, are small. 

As provided by  Brazilian Standard for Low Voltage Electrical Installations, from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), NBR 5410:2004, the conductivity of the wires must keep the electrical power connection constant to ensure the proper functioning of the network. 

Solution allows companies to reduce more than half of electrical and panel problems by finding small errors that can escalate if not corrected

In view of the complexity and importance of maintaining electrical panels, some companies have created solutions that aim to ensure more stability in connections. One of them is the panel that reduces voltages and reduces the risk of short circuits. The SM6 Connected has medium voltage and is manufactured by a French company that guarantees its operation 24/07, guaranteeing more security for the integrity of industrial processes. 

SM6 Connected

As stated by Fábio Amaral, electrical engineer and director of Engerey Panelis Elétricos, the sensor on the panel makes it easier for the connected equipment to have a longer lifespan and automatically identifies products that have anomalies so that they can be corrected before the situation escalates. That is, it is possible to have a vision of the electrical diagrams in real time and also of those that can harm the connection and bring high future expenses but that can be solved in the beginning with brief investments and maintenance., such as excess moisture, oxidation or environmental pollution. 

By detecting anomalies while they are small, the panel is able to prevent them from becoming large and expensive. 

By detecting anomalies in the power system, the panel allows companies to solve the problem while it is still small, reducing unnecessary costs for resolution when the circuit is already paralyzed. And it is precisely in this way that SM6 Connected is able to exponentially reduce company expenses and ensure more practicality, security and agility in the processes to be carried out. 

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