Home Electricity and gas market boost the Brazilian economy

Electricity and gas market boost the Brazilian economy

30 November 2020 to 11: 24
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Electricity - gas - economy
electricity x gas

There are no doubts when comparing electricity with the gas market, which, due to its factors and benefits, will be the main player in the energy transition and the driver of the economy

This conclusion is based on the entire international electricity and gas community and surveys on the current economy. The current production prices, increasingly higher, with production being renewed more and more, becoming more efficient and sustainable, and being aware that our economy will be, in a way, clean, with electricity when it comes to fuels fossils – This means a major breakthrough!

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Natural gas and Biogas are drivers for the recovery of the economy in Brazil after the pandemic – Electricity as a source of income

It is true that natural gas and biogas have everything to be two major drivers in a project of recovery and recovery in the Brazilian economy, after the covid-19 pandemic, which, as we can see, caused and still causes several deficits in the economy of the country. Brazil, interrupting and slowing down a good part of the electricity, gas and related production activities.

It is known that the two sources of energy have enormous potential in generating jobs and income, in a very sustainable way over the years. And such a perspective should not be left aside in any plans to resume the economy, regarding electricity and gas in the country.

A new market in the gas sector

After creating the so-called New Gas Market, the Ministries of Mines and Energy and the Economy carried out an absolutely correct survey: in order to improve competition conditions in Brazil, it would be crucial to create instructions capable of generating incentives to reduce of the price of gas for the industry, which has this input as one of its main factors in the formation of costs of the production process.

It is regrettable that, it is still to be observed about 12 or more million dollars of BTU when the foreign market turns from 3 to 7 dollars per million BTU, which generates competitive disadvantages for our country's products in the scenario, whether internal or external.

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