The exploration campaigns for the pre-salt oil blocks in the Campos Basin are scheduled to take place between 2022 and 2024.
Another 9 new exploratory oil and gas wells in the Campos Basin pre-salt, were licensed by the oil company Shell this past Friday, February 14th. The new blocks are located in the CM-659 and CM-713 areas. Oil multinational based in Macaé, hires professionals for onshore activities
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The oil and gas wells that were purchased by Shell in the 16th bidding round of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), had their licensing process at Ibama opened shortly after the signing of the concession contracts on Friday morning (15) at the agency's headquarters.
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With up to 6 exploratory oil and gas wells licensed in the pre-salt block CM-659 area of the Campos Basin, the oil company Shell will also be able to carry out up to four formation tests.
In the CM-713 block, the oil company will be able to drill three exploratory wells and foresees the possibility of carrying out up to two formation tests in it.
The oil and gas block exploration campaigns are scheduled to take place between 2022 and 2024, where the company will allocate its logistics base to support it between Rio de Janeiro, Niteróis, São João da Barra or Vila Velha.
In the second half of last year, Ibama granted the oil company a license to drill up to three exploratory wells in the Alto de Cabo Frio Oeste block, in the pre-salt layer of the Santos Basin.
A companhia won the Alto de Cabo Frio Oeste oil field in the third pre-salt bidding round, held in 2017.
Shell is the operator of the area, with a 55% stake, and is partnered by CNOOC (20%) and QPI (25%).
The Brava Star rig from Constellation was used for drilling the Gato do Mato well, also in the pre-salt (2nd sharing round), and a producing well in Argonauta (BC-10), in Parque das Conchas, Campos Basin.