Home Vectorial Energética Siderúrgica projects production of 550 thousand tons of pig iron from coal in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in 2022

Vectorial Energética Siderúrgica projects production of 550 thousand tons of pig iron from coal in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in 2022

1 June 2022 to 11: 26
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The steel company Vetorial Energética has good projections for the mining segment in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and expects a production of 550 thousand tons of pig iron from coal during the year 2022 in the region
Photo: Vectorial Energética

The steel company Vetorial Energética has good projections for the mining segment in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and expects a production of 550 thousand tons of pig iron from coal during the year 2022 in the region

Mining and steel in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul has been growing significantly in recent years and, for this Monday, (30/05), the steel company Vetorial Energética has excellent projections for the segments in the region. According to companhia, the state could be responsible for a production of 550 thousand tons of pig iron from coal mining during 2022 alone.

Mining in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul may have strong growth in 2022 with a focus on pig iron production, according to the projections of Vetorial Energética 

The state of Mato Grosso has a mineral sector strongly focused on the production of iron, manganese and inputs for civil construction and agriculture, and has been expanding the segment significantly in recent years. Now, the region is preparing for strong growth in the steel industry linked to mining, with a focus on the production of pig iron from the exploration of coal reserves available in the state. 

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And responsible for the projections of future optimism for the mining and steel sectors is the steel company Vetorial Energética, which has been carrying out studies and analyzes on the future of ore production in the state.

Thus, according to the company, Mato Grosso do Sul will be responsible for a production of 550 thousand tons of pig iron during 2022 alone. stating that “Of this total (550), 480 tons will be produced by Vetorial”.

This happens because the state of Mato Grosso do Sul is the only one in the Midwest region to produce pig iron from coal reserves, which opens up space for growth without competition. Pig iron is an iron alloy made from the reduction of iron ore with coal or coke, which is a fuel derived from coal, and one of the raw materials most used today by the mining and steel industry in the Brazilian market. Thus, the company is preparing for a strong dynamism of the market around the search for the product in the year 2022. 

Mining and steel market in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul will follow growth in pig iron production

The demand for the production of both coal and pig iron in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and region is increasing. This happens because, according to the manager of the steel company Vetorial Energética, while brands from other states consume 140 cubic meters of coal per month, the state of Mato Grosso do Sul has a monthly consumption of around 2 million cubic meters , proving the need for an increase in production. 

As for the pig iron sector, the expansion in production becomes even more necessary as the segment makes use of components that are not useful for the production of cellulose, which is the most consumed input currently in the state, which brings greater use for the commercialization of products in the steel and mining sectors. 

The company ended by stating that this wood from pulp production is used by them to transform it into charcoal and, later, into pig iron, making the entire production chain much more dynamic, efficient and productive with the use of all the inputs that left over from other segments.

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