Jobs Work 04 hours a day and earn R$1.100 reais without leaving home! Federal Institute releases applications for EAD Tutor without the need for a competition! Alisson Ficher 19/10/2024 às 17:24
Courses Federal Institute opens more than 600 vacancies in specialization courses! Opportunities are free and EAD, that is, you can take the course from your home and earn a certificate recognized by the MEC for this Alisson Ficher 15/10/2024 às 22:25
Courses Take a specialization course at the MEC without leaving home or spending money on it! The institute offers 150 opportunities for graduates who wish to take a specialization course in Bilingual Education EAD Alisson Ficher 04/10/2024 às 18:28
Courses Federal University: Ufopa opens 2 thousand registrations for EAD extension course for educators Bruno Teles 08/08/2024 às 13:13