Home Offshore vacancies are offered this 19th for electrician, painting supervisor, pumper, boiler operator, instrumentation technician and more

Offshore vacancies are offered this 19th for electrician, painting supervisor, pumper, boiler operator, instrumentation technician and more

19 June 2020 to 09: 54
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professional sailing, offshore vacancies, rio de janeiro, instrumentation, painting
professional sailing, offshore vacancies, rio de janeiro, instrumentation, painting

For Rio de Janeiro, offshore vacancies announced by Zarpa are destined to several areas of activity

In Rio de Janeiro, Zarpa Professionals announced offshore job vacancies on June 19th. Jobs are for electrician, painting supervisor, pumper, boiler operator, instrumentation technician and more. Professionals who wish to apply must have demanding certificates for each function.

See other news:

Zarpa Serviços Marítimos is made up of professionals with more than 40 years of experience, consecrated in the provision of specialized labor services in the maritime and offshore segments, meeting with excellence the urgencies and demands of the sector.

Taking care of all functions in the maritime and offshore sector, Zarpa also performs specialized nautical, mechanical, electrical, painting, general repairs with boiler services, among others.

Check out the offshore vacancies below!

Machine Officer

Machine Driver

Instrumentation Technician

Boiler Operator | Offshore Utilities


Offshore Electrician

Offshore Painting Supervisor

Applications for offshore jobs Zarpa Professionals

If you are interested in any of the offshore job openings described above, send your resume with expected salary to, mentioning the title of the intended offshore job in the subject field. Good luck!

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