Home 425 vacancies in free courses at CEFET-MG in the areas of Informatics, Robotics and Videogames

425 vacancies in free courses at CEFET-MG in the areas of Informatics, Robotics and Videogames

14 January 2021 to 13: 11
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CEFET - MG - free courses - vacancies
CEFET hub in MG

Sign up for CEFET-MG's free courses right now!

CEFET-MG (Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais) opened more than 400 vacancies for free courses in the areas of informatics, robotics and game development. The courses are part of the Extensive Bits Extension Program, developed by professors from the center and with exclusive vacancies for students and professors from public schools.

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Free course options available at CEFET – MG

In all, 425 vacancies will be offered, open throughout Brazil. The requirement to participate in CEFET-MG's free courses is to have access to a computer with a broadband connection for videoconferencing. Applications can be made through the project platform (click here) and more information is available on the website (click here).

About the bitflood program

The CEFET – MG program, which is offering more than 400 free courses, aims to promote and stimulate interest in programming and robotics in public school students in Belo Horizonte.

It was created through Fapemig's public notice for the popularization of science, under number APQ-03809-15, from 2015. It is maintained through CEFET-MG educational complementation and extension scholarship projects, which encourages scholarship holders to maintain courses. The coordination is in charge of Prof. Sandro Renato Dias (PhD in Bioinformatics at UFMG), from the Department of Computing, Campus II of CEFET-MG, in Belo Horizonte/MG.

CEFET-MG as a teaching environment is capable of developing the various skills for a professional career, which are linked to theoretical and practical learning models. The extension program is one of these environments, building values ​​such as management, cooperativism and capabilities such as creating innovative and creative solutions, dealing with environmental uncertainties and managing changes.

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