Home Golden Ray ship that sank with 4 cars will be rescued after a year

Golden Ray ship that sank with 4 cars will be rescued after a year

30 October 2020 to 10: 25
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Ship – Cars – Golden Ray
Golden Ray ship sinking

The Golden Ray ship sank last year with approximately 4 cars inside, a tragedy and undoubtedly enormous damage.

It all happened in 2019 on the coast of Georgia, in the United States when the Golden Ray ship that was carrying 4 thousand cars sank, so that the removal of the ship is possible, the responsible engineers will have to cut it into 8 pieces and then remove it.

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VB 10.000 (Largest Claw in the US) will use chains to rip apart the Golden Ray Ship  

It takes about 50 crew to rescue the Golden Ray and its cars to operate the VB 10.000, which was built in 2010 and is the largest lift vessel operating under the US flag. Its crew has worked together since the ship's christening. Many of them worked together on Versabar's smallest VB 4.000, built in 2007.  

“I would say about 70 percent of us have been working together between our predecessor ship (VB 4.000) and the VB 10.000 over the last 13 years,” said Fish. “And we are still doing it together today.”

The situation on the Golden Ray Ship is more complicated due to the weight of the cars

“We will be cutting with our four auxiliary blocks, two at a time, with a capacity of 500 tons each,” said Fish. “I should note that each of our winches – we have many winches on board the ship – the main lifting winches and the cutting winches are all driven by dual engines, yet it is still difficult on account of the cars that have sunk together.”

Motor overlay is necessary to avoid breakdowns. Each cut should take up to 24 hours; the process must continue unceasingly to completion once it begins.

The overhead lifting power of the VB 10.000 is reinforced by two cranes, each with two lifting blocks. The arrangement helps ensure stability when lifting extremely heavy and potentially unwieldy objects, Fish said.

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