Home Porto Alegre has 3 temporary job opportunities today

Porto Alegre has 3 temporary job opportunities today

31 from 2017 to 16 at 26: XNUMX
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Porto Alegre has 3 temporary job opportunities today

All vacancies are for mid-level with salaries that reach up to 4 thousand reais per month in various positions.

Recruitment company in Porto Alegre is currently carrying out selection processes to fill more than 3 vacancies. If you are interested, you can go to Avenida Júlio de Castilhos, 435, Centro.

Among the positions, are opportunities for branch operations, administration and command. The lowest salary is BRL 1.000,00 and the highest is BRL 4.000,00. In order not to create turmoil and misinformation when applying, professionals must show up at the address according to the calendar below, remembering that the office opens at 8 am and closes at 17:30 pm, this also applies to Saturdays. Vacancies are for general services assistant, hospital hygiene assistant, kitchen assistant, cook, porters, security guards, course salesperson, school secretary, tax analyst, administrative assistant and mechanical technician, electronics, technical course coordinator, school manager , marketing/commercial manager, cleaning foreman and operations supervisor


Day 1 – vacancies for general services assistant, hospital hygiene assistant, kitchen assistant and cook.
Day 2 – Opportunity for professionals who are employed, but who are thinking about changing jobs or areas of activity, or just getting to know what the market offers
Day 4 – vacancies for porters (12×36) and security guards (12×36)
Day 5 – vacancies for course seller, school secretary, tax analyst, administrative assistant and mechanical and electronic technician
6th – vacancies for coordinator of technical courses, school manager, marketing/commercial manager, cleaning person and operations supervisor.
The second half of the year is usually the period of greatest hiring of temporary labor, mainly due to the end of the year, according to the company responsible for the selection of temporary workers, AST Facilities. Source: G1

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