Jobs Do you want to work only from 7am to 11am? Brasanitas is opening a selection process for General Services Assistant with several benefits! Roberta Souza 03/12/2024 às 19:50
Jobs Prosegur is recruiting more than 310 people with and without experience in positions such as doorman, security guard, attendant, general services assistant, driver and several others. Alisson Ficher 28/11/2024 às 00:15
Jobs How about working at SESC and receiving R$2.262,40? Selection process offers vacancy for General Services Assistant with only incomplete elementary education Valdemar Medeiros 01/10/2024 às 11:57
Jobs Elementary Education vacancy at SEST SENAT! Salary of R$ 1980.68 to work as a General Services Assistant Valdemar Medeiros 20/09/2024 às 10:29
Jobs Do you want to work at SESC and receive R$2.262,40? The selection process offers a position for a General Services Assistant requiring incomplete elementary education Valdemar Medeiros 16/09/2024 às 09:32
Jobs Vacancies open for General Services Assistant! Earn R$ 1.507,19 + R$ 550 food voucher + R$ 564,80 in unhealthy conditions working at City Hall Ruth Rodrigues 26/08/2024 às 10:23
Jobs High school vacancy at Cacau Show for General Services Assistant with salaries of R$1.590 + transportation vouchers, life insurance, food vouchers and much more! Deborah Araújo 16/08/2024 às 10:50