Courses Take a specialization course at the Federal Institute without paying a single real! IFPA announces selection process for Specialization in Teaching in Professional and Technological Education Alisson Ficher 02/11/2024 às 16:42
Courses Do you want to do a specialization at the Federal Institute without paying and from home? IFPE opens selection of students for free specializations in the distance learning modality Alisson Ficher 01/11/2024 às 22:47
Courses How about taking a technical course without spending 1 real, from home and WITHOUT a test? Federal Institute calls for interested parties to take technical courses in the distance learning modality Alisson Ficher 01/11/2024 às 18:31
Courses How about doing a specialization without paying anything for it at the Federal Institute? IFMS opens registration for 3 100% free specializations Alisson Ficher 31/10/2024 às 07:08
Courses Do you want to be a tutor in the EAD (Distance Learning) modality at the Federal Institute? Then take advantage of the fact that IFPE has announced a selection for tutor in the online modality with the right to a scholarship Alisson Ficher 21/09/2024 às 23:48
Courses Complete high school and still get a technical course diploma! Federal Institute opens more than 2.400 vacancies for high school level integrated with professional education Alisson Ficher 15/09/2024 às 10:10
Courses Want to take a free course without paying anything at the Federal Institute? IF Goiano has 300 vacancies for a free distance specialization Alisson Ficher 29/08/2024 às 13:02
Courses Do you want to take a course without paying anything and leave home? Federal Institute opens registrations for EAD Specialization with 150 FREE places Alisson Ficher 11/08/2024 às 20:36
Courses MEC surprises by releasing free, online and certified gastronomy and confectionery courses Alisson Ficher 02/08/2024 às 07:02
Courses Do you want to take an EAD course without paying? Federal Institute opens vacancies for online opportunities in areas such as security, technology, logistics, mechanics, agriculture, cooking, gastronomy, secretariat, crafts and much more Alisson Ficher 24/07/2024 às 19:47
Courses Do you want to be a nursing technician without spending anything? Senac has scholarships in several cities! Take advantage of this opportunity and change your life! Alisson Ficher 23/07/2024 às 16:25
Courses Do you want to take courses in the area of communication without spending anything? Senac opens 7 thousand places in free courses in areas such as press relations, social media marketing, photography and much more Alisson Ficher 22/07/2024 às 10:58