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Free online courses + certificate: Fametro University Center opens 5 thousand vacancies! 

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 06/03/2024 às 16:58
free online courses - Fametro - course vacancies - online courses
Photo: Fametro/Disclosure

Centro Universitário Fametro has thousands of vacancies in free courses for those who wish to boost their CV and enter the current job market.

The Fametro University Center is offering more than 5 thousand places in free courses, with registrations open until March 7th this year. Among the training offered by the institution are: Digital Entrepreneurship, (TBO) – Basic Operational Training, Storage and Warehouse Techniques, and Workplace Safety. 

Find out more about each of Fametro’s free courses

Stay up to date with the main free online courses offered by Centro Universitário Fametro:


This course can be understood as the sets of measures which are adopted to minimize work accidents and occupational illnesses, as well as protecting the integrity and work capacity of the professional. Here the student will learn:

  • The types of damage and losses resulting from illnesses and accidents caused by the environment or working conditions;
  • How to analyze and diagnose the work environment;
  • The fundamental concepts;
  • How to prepare a company Risk Map;
  • Ways to assess risks and their classifications.


The Internet has proven to be a great space for many businesses to emerge. Companies that use different facets of technology to promote their services and products, attract customers and grow without, often, needing to invest in a physical space. In this way, the EAD Digital Entrepreneurship course aims to train professionals to develop their businesses in a consistent and solid way.


This course aims to teach students how to undertake economic activities autonomously, on their own, as an individual business. Understand the simplified and accessible alternative for those who want to formalize and legalize their enterprise, even if it is small.


It aims to present the elements of receiving, storing materials, organizing warehouses and preparing orders. Dimensioning of stock levels, economic purchase and production batches and calculation of storage space. This course is focused on professionals linked to the areas of logistics, warehouses, shipping, purchasing and receiving materials.

Sign up without having to leave home for Fametro’s free online courses

The free courses at Centro Universitário Fametro are aimed at high school finalists and people with Complete High School who seek to enter the job market and who wish to acquire the necessary knowledge to guarantee their differentiation.

With registrations possible until March 7th, Fametro's free course classes are scheduled to take place between the 8th and 9th of the same month. Registration must be made through the Centro Universitário Fametro website by filling in some basic data such as full name, email and telephone number. It is worth mentioning that all free online courses issue certificates of completion.


Get to know the Fametro University Center better

The Fametro University Center, headquartered in the city of Manaus, State of Amazonas, is a higher education institution, maintained by the Instituto Metropolitano de Ensino LTDA (IME), a civil society under private law, with educational and for-profit purposes.

Fametro has its headquarters and jurisdiction in Manaus and has its own status in the Register of Legal Entities of the Manaus Registry Office.

It is worth mentioning that Centro Universitário Fametro operates with the mission of training professionals in Higher Education, with ethical and humanistic values ​​and respect for the environment capable of contributing to the country's development, always aiming to be a quality reference in Higher Education in the country. Furthermore, the institution always values ​​quality in teaching, Ethics, Humanization and Professionalism.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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