Jobs Herculano Mineração has job openings with benefits you never imagined – find out how to earn more and still take care of your health! Caio Aviz 30/11/2024 às 15:05
Offshore and Onshore Vacancies Are you ready to win one of Ocyan's 45 Young Apprentice positions and change your life in 2025? Caio Aviz 26/11/2024 às 16:07
Jobs Brava Energia is hiring: salaries of up to R$15, incredible benefits and vacancies for all levels – don't miss this chance! Caio Aviz 18/11/2024 às 16:34
Jobs AngloGold Ashanti announces more than 75 vacancies with salaries of up to R$10.000 and amazing benefits – including for positions that do not require experience! Caio Aviz 08/11/2024 às 10:23