Home Intelligent video monitoring favors the energy sector

Intelligent video monitoring favors the energy sector

27 May 2021 to 20: 22
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video energy monitoring
Infographic: some possible video surveillance and analytics applications for the energy sector

AI contributes to security and streamlines decision-making for better performance of operations

São Paulo, May 2021 – Avantia, one of the leading security technology companies in Brazil, explains how artificial intelligence solutions in video surveillance can benefit the Brazilian electricity sector, contributing to energy generation and distribution operations, whether from hydroelectric, wind, or photovoltaic sources.

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Intelligent video surveillance brings security to act in the management of equipment, processes, rules, movement of people and situations involving property and people security. Developed with artificial intelligence, the video analytics applied to electronic security systems even help to increase the performance of companies in the electricity sector. It is a technology that acts both in incident prevention and in the agile response to emergencies and non-compliance.

Second Mario Tranche, a professional in Avantia's solution engineering area, using an integrated system that analyzes the data captured in the images, it is possible to predict, monitor and respond to a series of actions, such as avoiding perimeter invasion, controlling the entry of people authorized in these spaces, in addition to verifying the proper use of PPE, helping to prevent accidents. All automatically, without the need for active human operation. “In many areas of energy generation and transmission, the environment is inhospitable and poses risks to human life, in addition to difficult access for maintenance teams. Monitoring by video surveillance allows action in these areas in real time, makes it possible to mitigate risks, in addition to responding to an emergency, much faster and more effectively", account.

Tranche mentions that an intelligent video surveillance system in energy companies can also monitor operating maneuvers, such as controlling the operation of disconnecting switches, in real time, anticipating a possible accident or failure, without sending a team to the location, accelerating decision-making and responses to possible emergencies and actions that solve any issue, in addition to reducing operating costs. “With an integrated system, we are able to verify, in advance or even simultaneously, whether there is a possible overheating that could cause a failure and compromise the generation, transmission or distribution of energy”, he adds.

The expert also informs that through the analytics offered by the intelligent system, a control operator can focus on real situations of danger or attention, contributing to time management and indirectly to the performance of the institutional operation: “With Avantia technology, which uses artificial intelligence to read the images and classify them, it is possible to avoid wasting time when responding to a false occurrence”, details.

As for the system, in managing the entry of people into remote sites, approaching unauthorized vehicles, monitoring disconnector switches and assisting in emergency response, contributing to property security and, to a certain extent, the operation, even impacting efficiency and performance of the services provided, in addition to meeting the standards and requirements of the ONS (National Electric System Operator).

For more information about Avantia, visit:

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