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Webinar of the Joint Public Call between Finep and the Norwegian Research Council (RCN) – 23/02/21 at 16 pm

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 10/02/2021 às 09:05
Brazil Norway Webnar Finep
Flag of Brazil and Norway: Source: Google
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This Finep initiative aims to support projects developed in cooperation between Brazilian and Norwegian companies that aim to meet the demands of the Oil and Gas industry.

Finep, in partnership with Firjan and the Norwegian Research Council, invite you on 23/02/21 at 16:XNUMX p.m., to learn about the public notice that will support R&D projects with the objective of meeting the demands of the offshore O&G industry.

Stream Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IgU7E7I7lc


  • Mauricio Syrio | Superintendent of the Innovation Area at FINEP
  • Cristiane Abreu | Manager of the Petroleum, Mining and Naval Industry Department at FINEP
  • Michelle Duarte | Senior Project Manager at Innovation Norway
  • Antonio Fidalgo | Chief Researcher at the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Green Chemistry and SENAI Institute for Innovation in Inspection and Integrity
  • Mediator: Karine Fragoso | Oil, Gas and Naval Manager at Firjan

The joint Public Call between Finep and RCN will have non-refundable resources (economic subsidy) from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development - FNDCT up to the limit of R$ 5 million reais -, aims to support projects developed in cooperation between Brazilian and Norwegian companies that aim to meet the demands of the Oil and Gas industry.

Interested parties should access the notice at http://www.finep.gov.br/chamadas-publicas/chamadapublica/658 . The deadline for submission of proposals ends at 18 pm on May 12, 2021.

Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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