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Cobra Engenharia started hiring in full force

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 20/02/2018 às 17:58
Updated 21/02/2018 às 19:50


The team will be assigned to a new venture in Cariacica, Cobra Engenharia published the selection process in the city newspaper

A Cobra Engineering was founded in 2004 on capixaba soil, it is the result of the dreams of two engineers driven by a differentiated vision of the civil construction market and full of innovative ideas with direct aspects to new trends, with emphasis on the use of high technology and ownership over its managerial capabilities. The constant review of processes clearly and objectively provides the highest standards of quality, reliability and commitment to its internal and external customers.

With specializations in Management, Inspection and Execution of Works, she built solid and successful partnerships. In this way, it managed to achieve its main objective: the satisfaction of its customers, and thus improve its vision every day: To be the best and largest company in the state in the field of civil construction in Espírito Santo. Below are the fresh jobs she is promoting right now:

Open jobs

A company announced in the Jornal de Cariacica on 18/02 opportunities for Bricklayer, Building Electricians, Hydraulic Firefighters, Carpenters, Concrete Mixer Operators, Carpenter, Construction Assistant, Warehouse Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Occupational Safety Technicians, Building Technicians and Engineering Trainees. See the publication in the newspaper 2 days ago:

vacancies charge engineering

As you noticed, the opportunities are for civil construction projects and it was not discriminated against or required that they live in a certain place, just that they have the training, experience and skills in the functions. Interested and within the function, send your resumes to  talents@cobraengenharia.com.br. Unfortunately, we will not be able to share the telephone number because the last time we did that, many people caused inconvenience and the company ended up canceling the selection process due to the volume of calls and emails received. We ask that if you receive any feedback from the company, CLICK HERE AND LEAVE A COMMENT WITH US.

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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