In an innovative move, the city government announced a partnership with Waze to inform drivers about mobile speed cameras. The initiative aims to reduce accidents and promote compliance with traffic laws by indicating checkpoints on the app. The integration between technology and urban management promises to benefit mobility and safety on the streets.
Technology is now an ally of traffic safety.
In a pioneering initiative, the city announced a strategic partnership with the navigation app Waze to inform drivers about the locations monitored by mobile radars in the city.
The new feature promises not only to bring more transparency to inspections, but also to encourage respect for traffic laws and reduce accidents.
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Starting this Monday (20), the inspection points of Operation Radar will begin to appear on the Waze app, along with the city hall's official channels.
According to the Public Transport and Circulation Company (EPTC), the partnership was formalized after a meeting between the entity's CEO, Pedro Bisch Neto, and the Waze team, within the scope of the program Waze for Cities, which facilitates data sharing between the app and local governments.
How the partnership works
According to Pedro Bisch Neto, collaboration is an important step towards increasing drivers’ awareness and promoting respect for road signs.
“The partnership allows for greater transparency in inspection actions and directly contributes to reducing accidents”, said the CEO.
In the Waze app, locations with mobile speed cameras will be marked with police icons and a description indicating the maximum speed allowed on the road.
This function will complement the dissemination made by the city's official channels, ensuring that drivers are informed in advance and can adjust their conduct.
Inspection schedule
The new tool is already active and will be used in Operation Radar, which will take place between January 20th and 26th.
During this period, several avenues in the city will be monitored by speedometers. Check out the complete list of roads:
- Assis Brasil Avenue;
- Dom Pedro II Avenue;
- Severo Dullius Avenue;
- Edvaldo Pereira Paiva Avenue;
- Juca Batista Avenue;
- Daily News Avenue;
- Senator Tarso Dutra Avenue;
- Bento Gonçalves Avenue;
- Baltazar de Oliveira Garcia Avenue;
- Sertorio Avenue;
- Ipiranga Avenue;
- Pereira Franco Street;
- Father Chieftain Avenue;
- Nilo Pecanha Avenue;
- Ernesto Neugebauer Avenue;
- Borges de Medeiros Avenue.
Benefits of transparency
This initiative reinforces the idea that inspections should be educational and not just punitive.
Data from other cities that implemented similar actions show a significant reduction in traffic violations and accidents.
For example, in Lisbon, publicizing speed checkpoints resulted in a 25% increase in compliance with speed limits, according to local reports.
These practices strengthen public confidence and promote safer traffic.
Announcing inspection locations in advance allows drivers to adjust their behavior, increasing respect for traffic rules and reducing the risk of fatal accidents.
Furthermore, the partnership also strengthens the relationship between public authorities and citizens, by offering more clarity on traffic operations.
Initiatives like this have proven effective in other cities around the world that also use the Waze for Cities program.
The future of inspection
With the growing integration between technology and urban management, it is expected that other tools can be implemented to promote traffic safety.
Transparency in inspection processes not only raises awareness, but also engages the population in issues that are crucial to urban mobility.
The partnership between EPTC and Waze is an example of how cities can use technology to solve everyday challenges and improve the quality of life of their inhabitants.
In other locations, such as New York and Tel Aviv, the Waze for Cities program has already demonstrated success in reducing congestion and increasing efficiency in traffic monitoring, serving as inspiration for this local initiative.
What do you think of this initiative?
Do you believe that transparency in inspection can really reduce accidents? Share your opinion in the comments!
City Hall of which Municipality?
It must be Porto Alegre-RS!!
Yes, it is Porto Alegre/RS