Science and Technology Construction of 'THE LINE' in the desert has STARTED! Saudi Arabia's ambitious US$1 TRILLION project towards megacity measuring 170 KM, 500 meters high and 200 meters wide Roberta Souza 05/06/2024 às 10:35
Science and Technology Unbelievable but possible: How Saudi Arabia is reforesting the desert Roberta Souza 29/05/2024 às 08:48
Science and Technology Ambitious project revealed in Saudi Arabia: learn more about the 2034 World Cup stadium in the Asian desert Roberta Souza 01/02/2024 às 21:22
Construction Saudi Arabia reveals THE LINE, a 1 trillion dollar city, which promises to change the course of civil construction and engineering Valdemar Medeiros 25/12/2023 às 21:29
Economy Ceará may boost Brazilian economy with trade agreement involving Arab countries Valdemar Medeiros 21/09/2021 às 14:00