Jobs How about working Monday through Friday at Honda? Earn R$3.200 + benefits to work as an Administrative Assistant Ruth Rodrigues 20/10/2024 às 22:07
Jobs Do you dream of working from Monday to Friday earning R$2.241,81 + benefits? Mosaic Fertilizantes is offering a job vacancy to work as an Administrative Assistant Ruth Rodrigues 11/10/2024 às 21:52
Jobs Hapvida has a vacancy for an Administrative Assistant requiring only a high school diploma and basic computer knowledge with access to all benefits! Deborah Araújo 07/10/2024 às 09:09
Jobs Mid-level vacancy at IEL! Earn R$2.322,93 + benefits to work Monday through Friday as an Administrative Assistant at Instituto Euvaldo Lodi Ruth Rodrigues 29/09/2024 às 21:11
Courses Do you want to qualify for the job market? Completely free online course (EAD) for Administrative Assistant certified by the Federal Institute for interested parties from all over Brazil Flavia Marinho 28/09/2024 às 18:23
Jobs Do you want to work at Unimed with only a high school diploma and receive almost R$3 + R$800 in meal vouchers? New selection process hires Administrative Assistant to work from Monday to Friday Deborah Araújo 23/09/2024 às 10:05
Jobs Work at Sesi as an Administrative Assistant and receive more than R$2.300 Alisson Ficher 26/08/2024 às 18:52
Courses Do you want to take an administrative assistant course without spending anything? Senai invites candidates for a golden chance to change their lives in a blended opportunity Alisson Ficher 20/08/2024 às 00:34
Jobs Oceânica plans sustainable expansion and hiring 500 professionals by the end of the year. Corporate 01/06/2024 às 12:09
Courses SICCTEP – PB opens 6,5 URGENT vacancies in free online and distance learning courses in the areas of digital marketing, receptionist, administrative assistant and 23 more categories Valdemar Medeiros 13/05/2021 às 17:00