Public and Federal Tenders City Hall opens competition with 3.244 job vacancies with salaries of R$5.000 with mid-level and higher-level positions Roberta Souza 05/02/2024 às 23:37
Construction One of the largest bridges in Brazil over a river, the Xambioá Bridge connects Tocantins and Pará and involved an investment of 93 million reais; the megaproject is 90% complete Bruno Teles 14/11/2023 às 20:27
Jobs German multinational BAYER opens selection process for job vacancies in SP, GO, MG and TO Roberta Souza 23/10/2023 às 08:08
Internship and Trainee Recruitment and selection Bradesco: one of the largest financial institutions in the country calls for vacancies in RJ, SP, BA, AM, PE and other Brazilian regions; There is no age limit! Flavia Marinho 02/09/2023 às 07:48
Renewable energy Electricity distributor has job openings WITHOUT experience or higher education in RJ, MG, TO, MT, MS, AC and other states Daiane Souza 12/08/2022 às 06:15
Internship and Trainee Supergasbras has job openings and internships in the states of RJ, TO, ES, PR, GO, SP, MG and others! There are many opportunities in this new selection process with and without experience / training Daiane Souza 13/07/2022 às 07:32