Economy Discovery of billions of gallons of oil could make North Dakota the world's new 'liquid gold' powerhouse Rafaela Fabris 04/02/2025 ร s 20:46
Science and Technology Scientists make UNPRECEDENTED discovery of rare and ancient mineral, older than Earth, in meteorite that traveled through space for billions of years; Meet Krotite! Ruth Rodrigues 02/02/2025 ร s 09:23
Science and Technology Archaeological breakthrough: Scientists find 'oldest human remains' in Europe Bruno Teles 26/01/2025 ร s 14:56
Mining Kuwait makes HISTORY with gigantic oil discovery: 950 million barrels in territorial waters! Carla Teles de Lima 24/01/2025 ร s 18:45
Oil and Gas With the major discovery of 13 oil reservoirs, the country is preparing to enter the select group of African producing countries, with the potential to revolutionize its economy Rafaela Fabris 19/01/2025 ร s 21:10
Science and Technology Drones Discover Largest 3.000-Year-Old Hidden Fortress in Caucasus Mountains, Stunning Archaeologists Bruno Teles 16/01/2025 ร s 13:40
Science and Technology NASA Spots Mysterious Ghost Island in Caspian Sea That Appears and Disappears in the Blink of an Eye Bruno Teles 13/01/2025 ร s 17:38
Curiosities More than 300 rare 11th-century silver coins discovered in England Roberta Souza 12/01/2025 ร s 13:14
Science and Technology New discovery in Egypt: 4.000-YEAR-OLD treasure in Luxor reveals secrets of Queen Hatshepsut and surprises the world Rafaela Fabris 09/01/2025 ร s 22:38
Science and Technology Have you ever imagined going to double-dip a highway and finding a 1.500-year-old Roman coffin, weighing 750 kg, buried? That's what happened recently in the United Kingdom! Roberta Souza 09/01/2025 ร s 20:22
Economy New discoveries make China's lithium reserves soar and transform the country into the world's second largest power! Rafaela Fabris 08/01/2025 ร s 22:28
Science and Technology Scientists' Discovery Reveals Lost MPT Landforms Beneath the North Sea: Secrets of 1 Million Years Bruno Teles 08/01/2025 ร s 17:19