Courses Government offers 5,2 places on free courses, in person and distance learning, for qualification in various areas Roberta Souza 02/12/2024 às 19:57
Courses How about qualifying for free? SENAI offers 360 places on free courses in various areas such as technology and IT, gastronomy, marketing and more; Check out how to apply! Rafaela Fabris 15/10/2024 às 19:04
Courses Get your master's or doctorate degree at one of the best universities in the country! 200 vacancies at UFJF today! Roberta Souza 13/10/2024 às 10:08
Courses Are you interested in specializing in artificial intelligence? The Qualifica Program in partnership with Google Cloud has 2,5 free course spots available; Sign up now! Rafaela Fabris 21/09/2024 às 18:39