Public and Federal Tenders Earn up to R$8.419,22 + benefits working at SAMU! SAMU opens new Public Competition with job openings for Assistant, Assistant, Operator, Nursing Technician, Driver, Doctor and other mid-level and higher-level positions Ruth Rodrigues 09/11/2024 às 19:55
Public and Federal Tenders New SAMU competition: notice released in the health area with vacancies for drivers, nursing technicians, administrative assistants, nurses and other positions; salaries of up to R$8 thousand Flavia Marinho 05/11/2024 às 16:13
Jobs New SAMU competition with announcement in the health area with vacancies for all levels of education: nursing technicians, drivers, administrative staff and more; salaries of up to R$17,7 thousand Flavia Marinho 04/11/2024 às 10:40
Jobs SAMU competition releases new hiring notice in the health area with objective test at secondary level for Nursing Technician and Administrative Assistant Flavia Marinho 08/10/2024 às 05:05
Jobs New SAMU competition releases notice in the health area with vacancies for drivers, nursing technicians, administrative assistants, first responders and other positions; salaries of up to R$8,8 thousand Flavia Marinho 05/10/2024 às 16:57
Public and Federal Tenders Work at SAMU and earn up to R$12 THOUSAND! More than 90 vacancies open for Drivers, Technicians, Assistants, Nurses and other intermediate, technical and higher professionals in new competition Ruth Rodrigues 13/08/2024 às 20:31
Public and Federal Tenders SAMU opens selection process with 31 mid-level and technical vacancies with salaries of up to R$3.804,76 + benefits, check it out! Valdemar Medeiros 27/07/2024 às 07:03
Public and Federal Tenders Work at Samu! Registration open for competition with almost 200 vacancies for drivers and nursing technicians with high school education Alisson Ficher 02/07/2024 às 15:15
Public and Federal Tenders Regulatory Doctor at SAMU: Everything about the profession before taking the public exam Paulo Nogueira 22/04/2024 às 12:30
Public and Federal Tenders SAMU opens public competition with 597 vacancies for people with primary, secondary and higher education with salaries of R$ 10 thousand Valdemar Medeiros 21/04/2024 às 22:01
Public and Federal Tenders SAMU offers 281 vacancies in public competition for secondary, technical and higher level candidates with salaries of R$8 thousand + career stability Valdemar Medeiros 09/04/2024 às 11:27
Public and Federal Tenders SAMU announces a public competition with more than 80 vacancies for people at primary level, nursing technicians, first responders, drivers, pharmacists and much more! Valdemar Medeiros 18/03/2024 às 11:22