Jobs Work only part-time at night with a salary of R$2.224,45 and benefits of R$800! Open selection process without experience required for Assistant position Deborah Araújo 28/11/2024 às 09:12
Jobs How about working part-time from 7:40 am to 12:30 pm with a salary of R$3.150? Selection process open at Marista Brasil! Deborah Araújo 28/11/2024 às 09:08
Jobs How about working part-time from 10am to 16pm with a salary of R$1.791,45 + R$500,00 food voucher and R$300 transportation voucher? Open selection process requiring only high school education! Deborah Araújo 09/11/2024 às 11:43
Jobs Do you want to work part-time and earn R$2.000,00? Meit's selection process is now accepting resumes! Valdemar Medeiros 27/09/2024 às 07:11
Jobs How about earning R$1.600,40 to work part-time on the night shift? Senai is opening a selection process for qualified professionals, check it out! Valdemar Medeiros 10/09/2024 às 23:14