In the Port of Santos, workers announced a 24-hour strike this week, but decided to wait for a position on vaccination until the end of May
Yesterday (11/05), workers at the largest port in Latin America, the Port of Santos, were planning to carry out a 24-hour strike later this week due to the lack of a vaccination schedule against Covid-19, according to a statement sent yesterday to the customers by Commodities/Unimar Shipping and seen by Reuters. However, workers at the Port of Santos decided to wait until the end of May to decide on the strike.
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Decision to strike at the Port of Santos, due to vaccination against Covid-19
Bruno José dos Santos, president of the Dockers Union of Santos, São Vicente, Guarujá and Cubatão (Sindestiva), told Reuters yesterday that if workers at the Port of Santos are not vaccinated against Covid-19 by June 1, , another meeting will be held to decide on a more robust nationwide shutdown.
In the event of a strike by workers at the Port of Santos, the action could directly affect the berthing and unberthing of ships, in addition to cargo operations, said SA Commodities/Unimar Shipping. There was an expectation that the decision of the port workers on a possible strike would take place yesterday, however, the president of Sindestiva had also confirmed the holding of a meeting for definitions of the movement.
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Port workers are in the priority group for immunization against Covid-19
The federal government classifies port workers, as in the Port of Santos, as a priority group for immunization against Covid-19, but the deadline for them to receive the vaccines has not yet been determined. According to the AS Commodities/Unimar Shipping note, many of the maritime terminals would not be affected by the strike, as they have some kind of private operation.
Check below the note from Unimar Agenciamento Maritimos
See also: Port of Santos will have more regulatory rigidity in its privatization, says Tarcísio Freitas
When compared to other federal government privatizations, the privatization of the largest port complex in Latin America, the Port of Santos, will have greater regulatory rigidity and there should be “greater obstacles” for port operators to participate in franchises. The information was provided by the Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio de Freitas. The event is expected to be held in 2022 and involves the largest port complex in Latin America, the Port of Santos.
Although the regulatory and participation adjustments are specific adjustments for each port, the Minister of Infrastructure recalls that the privatization model (such as the Port of Santos) generally must follow the result of the company's sales and allow the operation of the port.
The Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio de Freitas, also commented that the profiles of participants interested in these goods vary. He also points out that the consortium, which may be controversial in the auction, may be composed of investment funds and port operators, and these companies have shown great interest in these privatizations that will be carried out by the federal government.