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ArcelorMittal offers technical and free courses in electrotechnics and mechanics. Registration goes until tomorrow (10/06)

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 09/06/2021 às 18:57
ArcelorMittal – courses – technical courses
ArcelorMittal logo/ Source: Head Topics

ArcelorMittal and the municipality of Serra, in the state of Espírito Santo, are offering free technical courses for mechanics and electrotechnics

ArcelorMittal Tubarão, in partnership with the Municipality of Serra, through Seter (Department of Work, Employment and Income), opened registration for the selection process for 40 (forty) vacancies in free Technical Level Industrial Learning courses, 20 of which for the Mechanical Technician course (morning), and 20 for the Electrical Technician (afternoon). Registration ends tomorrow, Thursday (10/06). See also: ArcelorMittal will pay a fine of more than 300 THOUSAND for accidentally activating sirens to warn of dam failure, in the state of Minas Gerais

Requirements to enroll in free technical courses

Candidates who are enrolled and who are attending the 2nd or 3rd year of High School in 2021 or who have already completed High School may apply for the opportunities opened by ArcelorMittal, in partnership with the Municipality of Serra, in public schools.

In addition, the following are prerequisites for enrolling in ArcelorMittal's technical courses: Being born between 08/09/2003 to 09/08/2005; Be a resident of the municipality of Serra (ES); Not having a previous record in the work card, as an apprentice; Be registered with the Serra (ES) SINE; Have proven schooling, which may be a certificate of completion, school transcript of completion or statement issued by the Regular School; Have a declaration of Enrollment proving your regular condition of enrollment in public schools indicating the shift; Have a family income of at most 03 (three) minimum wages.

How to enroll in ArcelorMittal technical courses

The test will be held in virtual format – the candidate will receive the link via the email registered at the time of registration – on June 13, from 9 am to 12 pm. The result will be released on June 14th, on the Sine / Seter Serra website. All successful candidates will be hired as of 09/08/21 as apprentices at ArcelorMittal Tubarão.

Classes will be given at the Professional Education Center (CEP) “Jones Santos Neves”, at Civit, in Serra. Just click here to register for free technical courses. We wish you good luck!

See also: ArcelorMittal will resume steel production at the Barra Mansa unit in Rio de Janeiro. Around 19 million reais will be invested and 150 jobs will be created

ArcelorMittal will resume operations at the melt shop at the Barra Mansa (RJ) unit in the second half of this year. The undertaking will still require investments of around R$ 19 million for the maintenance and renovation of equipment necessary for the start of production. The return of activities at the melt shop, which has been paralyzed since 2019, is motivated by the increased market demand for steel and the prospects for economic growth in the country. With the reactivation of the area, it is estimated that 100 new direct and 50 indirect jobs will be generated.

According to the largest steel producer in the world, present in more than 60 countries, the focus of investments at the unit in Barra Mansa is to meet, mainly, the growing demand of the domestic steel market. The contributions will be destined to projects for the operational and technological safety of the equipment, with resources to re-establish the entire capture and filtering system of the melt shop and ensure better environmental suitability.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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