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Azul expects Hangar de Viracopos to generate around 1000 jobs

Published 15/06/2021 às 08:49
blue viracopos work
Photo: revistaazul.voeazul.com.br

The company's millionaire investments in Viracopos should result in many job opportunities generated in the region

In April of last year, even before debuting its hangar at Viracopos airport, Azul already employed around 4 people, divided between aeronauts and airline workers. A little over a year after the inauguration of the hangar, Azul employs around 400 people, 250 of whom were hired this year. See also: 100 billion reais in investments are expected this year with auctions for airport, port, highway and rail infrastructure.

The company usually calls all its employees crew members. Azul's expectation is that it will reach the mark of 1000 crew members by 2024. Azul has been growing throughout the country, a result that ended up helping in the growth of Azul's operations in the RMC – Metropolitan Region of Campinas. 

Azul started operating at Viracopos Airport in 2008. Since then, Viracopos operations have increased by 320%. Today, the site is one of the main and most strategic for cargo handling in Brazil. 

Viracopos has been gaining even more importance for Azul in Brazil. The location is where the company operates around 150 flights a day to more than 58 destinations. These numbers make Viracopos the biggest hub of the company in South America. 

Azul bets on Campinas and invests millions in the region

Azul had no doubts about making large investments in Campinas for the growth of its operations in Brazil. The company has made major investments in the site. 

  • Construction of the hangar, where approximately R$ 210 million was invested, generating many job vacancies; 
  • R$ 7,5 million in investments in the Azul Cargo Express Cargo Terminal; 
  • In addition to UniAzul, Azul's corporate university that provides around 30 training courses for pilots and flight attendants annually; 

John Rodgerson, president of Azul, points out that Azul sees great potential in the municipalities of the MRC, where the company is developing together with the region. 

Internal photo of the Azul hangar: Image: Revista Azul

"Earlier this year, for example, we imported the Wi-Fi installation processes on our aircraft – which were previously done in the United States – to our Viracopos hub. This is beneficial for the company, as it concentrates maintenance in one place, but it is also beneficial for RMC, as it contributes to the development of the region and the creation of opportunities with good remuneration. Today, the average salary of our Crew Members in the Campinas region, for example, is around R$ 5 millionl”, he pointed out. 

Azul has a lot to celebrate with its numbers in Campinas. They are a growth of more than 300% in the last 10 years, around 4 thousand employees, the largest hub in South America and more than 150 flights. 

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Fabio Lucas Carvalho

Journalist specializing in a wide range of topics, such as cars, technology, politics, shipbuilding, geopolitics, renewable energy and economics. I have been working since 2015 with prominent publications in major news portals. My degree in Information Technology Management from Faculdade de Petrolina (Facape) adds a unique technical perspective to my analyses and reports. With over 10 thousand articles published in renowned media outlets, I always seek to bring detailed information and relevant insights to the reader. For story suggestions or any questions, please contact me by email at flclucas@hotmail.com.

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