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City Hall opens more than 80 vacancies with a workload of only 22 hours per week! Opportunities for those with higher education, with salaries of up to R$2.245,99

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 08/12/2024 às 19:31
The City of Nova Prata-RS offers 85 job openings for teachers in various areas of education; applications are open until December 9th.
Photo: Canva

The City of Nova Prata-RS offers 85 job openings for teachers in various areas of education; applications are open until December 9th.

The City Hall of Nova Prata, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, opened a new selective process to fill 85 job vacancies and form a reserve list for various education positions. The selection process aims to fill teaching vacancies for the 2025 school year. Those interested in the job vacancies can apply until December 9, 2024. There are several job vacancies in different areas of teaching, with salaries of up to R$2.245,99 for the selected teachers. The City of Nova Prata is seeking qualified professionals to fill these job vacancies.

Vacancies available for teachers

O selective process The Nova Prata City Hall offers 85 job vacancies, distributed among several areas of activity in education.

The teaching vacancies include 30 vacancies for the position of Early Childhood Education Teacher, 30 vacancies for Elementary School Teacher, 6 vacancies for Geography Teacher, 2 vacancies for Physical Education Teacher, 6 vacancies for Mathematics Teacher, 5 vacancies for Portuguese Language Teacher, 2 vacancies for Science Teacher, 1 vacancy for History Teacher, 2 vacancies for English Language Teacher and 1 vacancy for Arts Teacher.

All candidates interested in these vacancies must have a bachelor's degree with specific qualifications for each area.

Job vacancies for teachers require candidates to have the necessary training to perform their respective roles.

Job vacancies for teachers offer a workload of 22 hours per week and the monthly salary is R$2.245,99.

How do I register for the city hall selection process?

To register for the Nova Prata City Hall selection process, candidates must register between December 2nd and 9th, 2024.

Registrations can be made at the Protocols Sector of the City Hall, located at Avenida Fernando Luzzatto, nº 158, Nova Prata-RS, from 08:30 am to 11:30 am and from 13:30 pm to 16:30 pm.

As vacancies The job vacancies are limited, and it is important that candidates apply within the stipulated period. If a candidate's application is not approved, he or she may file an appeal to contest the decision.

The deadline for filing appeals is one day, and the candidate must present reasons justifying his/her disagreement.

Selection criteria and required training

Selection for job vacancies will be carried out through the analysis of candidates' resumes.

To apply for one of the vacancies of employment, interested parties must prove academic training that may include Secondary Level in the Normal Modality (teaching), Postgraduate lato sensu in the area of ​​activity of the function (specialization), Postgraduate lato sensu in the area of ​​education (specialization), Master's or doctorate in the area of ​​activity of the function or in the area of ​​education.

In addition, candidates may also present specific courses taken in the area of ​​activity, with a minimum workload of 40 hours, in the last 5 years.

These requirements are essential to ensure that the teachers hired have the necessary qualifications to work in the job vacancies offered by the City Hall.

Important information about the city hall selection process

The hiring carried out through this selection process will be for jobs in teaching, starting between February 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025 for Early Childhood Education, and from February 12, 2025 to December 18, 2025 for Elementary Education.

In addition to the 85 job openings, the selection process will create a reserve list for future hires, as required by the public administration.

The City of Nova Prata is looking for qualified teachers to fill job vacancies and meet the city's demand in the 2025 school year.

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10/12/2024 08:20

A teacher with an academic background and a salary that doesn't even correspond to two minimum wages. This country is playing around. The city government is right. It offers what it can.

Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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