Courses How about taking a distance learning course without paying 1 real at the Federal Institute? IF opens 200 for Free Specialization in online course Alisson Ficher 30/11/2024 às 17:38
Courses Want to take a course without paying? The Federal Institute offers more than 1600 online opportunities for courses in manicure, sales clerk, electrician, caregiver, painter, administrative assistant, sign language, computer science, makeup and much more Alisson Ficher 19/10/2024 às 17:17
Courses Fiocruz releases registrations for 100% distance learning courses, free of charge and with certificate! Opportunities at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation are available in several areas without the need for a test to participate Alisson Ficher 18/10/2024 às 20:07
Courses Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) is accepting applications for OVER 100 100% distance learning courses! No exam required, certificates are guaranteed and interested parties from all over Brazil can apply Alisson Ficher 13/10/2024 às 14:23
Courses Want to learn everything about autism without spending a penny? This 1% ONLINE and free course teaches about autism, intellectual disability (and other disabilities) with a certificate Alisson Ficher 08/10/2024 às 08:22
Courses Want to learn about agriculture for free and without leaving home? John Deere launches online teaching platform with courses on agricultural practices Alisson Ficher 25/09/2024 às 10:26
Courses Do you want to take a free, 100% distance learning course with a certificate? MEC is offering vacancies for courses in areas such as information, communication, management and others Alisson Ficher 10/09/2024 às 22:57