Construction 30 years later! Lula's government wants to attract R$110 BILLION to resume projects that have been halted since the 1990s and generate 1,6 MILLION jobs Alisson Ficher 23/11/2024 às 11:48
Economy Angra 3: BILLION-dollar project stalled for almost 40 years is delayed ONCE AGAIN and has a new deadline to start operating Alisson Ficher 18/10/2024 às 19:03
Economy Bold project could transform São Paulo into the RICHEST city in the world! Proposal even has the tallest building on the planet being built in the capital of São Paulo Alisson Ficher 02/10/2024 às 22:02
Economy Angra 3: Brazil's nuclear white elephant that costs R$250 million per year without producing energy. What is preventing the completion of this billion-dollar project that has been stopped since Lava Jato? Alisson Ficher 27/08/2024 às 18:51