Jobs Work from home at Unimed and earn up to R$2500 per month + R$800,00 in benefits! Vacancies for mid-level home office assistants with no experience Valdemar Medeiros 13/09/2024 às 11:30
Jobs Unimed opens selection process for those without experience with salaries above R$2 to work as a receptionist Deborah Araújo 09/09/2024 às 08:59
Jobs Work at Unimed as an Administrative Assistant: Salary of R$2.133 + benefits requiring only a high school diploma! Valdemar Medeiros 04/09/2024 às 12:23
Jobs Work from home at Unimed! Home office positions open for candidates with intermediate and higher education levels! Ruth Rodrigues 01/09/2024 às 09:25
Jobs Unimed is hiring candidates with and without experience! More than 400 job openings for Administrative Assistant, Receptionist, General Services, Telephone Operator and much more! Valdemar Medeiros 31/08/2024 às 09:14
Jobs Work at Unimed and earn R$2.606,83 + benefits! Mid-level vacancy open to work as a Service Customer Assistant Ruth Rodrigues 27/08/2024 às 20:38
Economy Historic Sale of R$11 BILLION! UNIMED's biggest competitor is acquired by a giant – the GOAL is to be the leading health plan in Brazil! Valdemar Medeiros 21/08/2024 às 07:33
Jobs Unimed opens a new selection process with more than 500 vacancies across Brazil! Opportunities for assistants, receptionists, security guards, monitors and other professionals at primary, secondary, technical and higher levels to work from home and in person Ruth Rodrigues 18/08/2024 às 17:38
Jobs Work from home at Unimed and earn up to R$3.336,91 + R$800 in food vouchers! Home office vacancies open for mid-level and higher education Ruth Rodrigues 16/08/2024 às 21:21
Jobs Mid-level vacancy at Unimed! Earn R$2.304,06 + R$800,00 in food vouchers to work as a Customer Service Assistant Ruth Rodrigues 15/08/2024 às 12:16
Jobs Elementary level vacancy at Unimed! Earn R$2.304,06 and food vouchers of R$800 working as a Maintenance Officer Ruth Rodrigues 12/08/2024 às 19:53
Jobs Unimed opens a gigantic selection process with more than 550 open vacancies for technicians, assistants, stretcher bearers, security guards and other positions at primary, secondary, technical and higher levels Ruth Rodrigues 05/08/2024 às 10:42