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Agreement between Petrobras and China this week provides for the resumption of works at COMPERJ

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 06/07/2017 às 09:28
Updated 25/09/2018 às 07:52


Petrobras and CNPC sign agreement for works at Comperj

The contract for evaluating COMPERJ works was signed in Beijing on the 4th between the two state-owned companies and will accelerate the recovery process

O Comperj and his works are being bargained this week by state-owned companies in Brazil and China (Petrobras and CNPC respectively). These negotiations foresee the end of the works since the operations of Lava Jato, which investigates corruption schemes that will also involve this enterprise, were triggered.

This program between the two oil operators constitutes a strategic determination, signed in Beijing by presidents Pedro Parente (BR) and Wang Dongjin (PetroChina).

Petrobras released an official note informing that this agreement has as its primary purpose the evaluation in mutual partnership, both in the national territory and abroad in strategic points of capture and production of oil. As the China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) offered financing facilities, adapting to Petrobras' current reality, Comperj is a great opportunity for the express resumption of its works, since the Chinese company also has expertise in this area of ​​petrochemicals.

As it was lacking cash resources (real money), BR had removed Comperj from its business plan, limiting itself to focusing only on its investments in the UPGN of Itaboraí-RJ

The primary design of the project foresees a refinery and a petrochemical complex. The bargain with the Chinese is just for the completion of the refining complex, which will have a production capacity of around 165 barrels of oil per day, just in its initial phase.

The problem is that activities have been paralyzed since 2015, the complex visibly shows that structures exposed to the weather and out in the open without maintenance, are rusting and deteriorating. So far, the Brazilian state-owned company has injected 13 billion trumps in the project and having these idle facilities without repairs is a waste of money, as there will be an additional expense to maintain them again.

Remembering that CNPC is already a partner of BR in pre-salt oil exploration in Campo de Libra, which by the way is the largest hydrocarbon field discovered in national territory. We are already producing in test phase and some companies are already starting to hire (CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR SOME VACANCIES IN THE AREA)

The terms signed in Beijing on July 4th also anticipate the possibility of business in other production assets, in addition to the UPGN.

Remembering that one Chinese entourage was in Porto do Açú this week and intend to install many companies in the region, visit the link to check it out

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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