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Macaé airport without infrastructure harms business of oil companies

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 16/07/2018 às 08:42


macaé airport offshore companies vacancies business

Oil companies and offshore service providers in Macaé and other producing cities in Brazil complain about the lack of infrastructure at the Airport

RIO - The Macae Airport it should be one of the symbols of prosperity in the oil and gas chain, marking the resumption of the city and the municipalities surrounding Rio de Janeiro, but the effect is being exactly the opposite and it is literally losing opportunities to do business. It turns out that since 2015, the city has been without commercial flights due to the lack of conditions on the runway and takeoffs, forcing many oil companies and service providers to transport their executive and technical workforce on long journeys by land, which It takes time and physical effort.

The Holy Spirit wants to stop the growth of Macaé

Despite all the problems mentioned above, a tender planned this year to adjust the runway was approved to solve the problem (read this article here), but the government of Espírito Santo did not like the pace at which Macaé has been recovering and fearing losing ground, passenger flow and flights to its airport in Vitória, declared that it will file a lawsuit against this bid, right at the moment when the city needs to attend to the logistics of multinational oil operators that are allocated in the city.

Despite the heavy economic blow it has suffered in recent years, Macaé is still considered the national oil exploration capital. It currently concentrates bases of the largest oil companies on the planet and despite the Campos Basin suffering from the natural decline in productivity of mature fields, the last recent auctions made these deposits receive millionaire investments for revitalization, exploration of new assets and new drilling platforms that should arrive in the coming months/years.

Azul wants to return to Macaé

Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras operated at Macaé Airport before the end of activities in 2015 and was forced to interrupt services in the city because it renewed its fleet of low-capacity aircraft for aircraft that carry more than 70 passengers , simply the runway is not compatible for planes of this type. But azul itself declared that it wants to charter in the city again and is looking forward to these works. It operated regular flights to Macaé connecting the city to Rio, Campos, Vitória and Campinas, the only activity today at Macaé airport are helicopters to serve the offshore platforms.

“Businessman Aroldo Alves Siqueira Júnior, owner of the platform equipment manufacturer Tech Ocean, headquartered in Macaé, was a regular passenger. The trip took only 40 minutes to the capital of Espírito Santo and, from there, he drove to Aracruz, where the company's second unit is located. Since the flights were suspended, he makes the trip by car every ten days and it takes up to nine hours. Eight more company executives have to travel between the two factories from time to time. The journey is made by chartered bus, which doesn’t cost less than R$2.500.”, he said in an interview with GLOBO.

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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