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Shipbuilding industry in Rio is optimistic about the recovery of the sector

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 04/07/2018 às 16:48
Updated 05/07/2018 às 09:41


Ship Rio de Janeiro Industria Naval

In 2018, the event will take place from the 14th to the 16th of August at the Centro de Convenções SulAmérica and will bring together large companies from the naval and maritime industry.

The retraction of the naval, oil and gas industry in Rio de Janeiro has been keeping a number of companies that make their living from these production chains stagnant. The financial and social crisis has been bitter for some years now, since the beginning of the crisis in 2014, even more accentuated by the fiscal gap that the state of Rio de Janeiro suffered. On the other hand, the effort to recover this sector is creating positive prospects for companies in the region.

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The main event in South America dedicated to the shipbuilding, maintenance and operations sectors, the marintec south america, will be based in Rio de Janeiro. The event will take place from August 14 to 16 at the SulAmérica Convention Center.

The main objectives are:

  • Gather national and international suppliers to align interests;
  • Promoting business with contacts in the naval chain;
  • Create and strengthen links in this line of business.

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confirmed attendance
A jevin, a company headquartered in the municipality of Macaé (RJ), also has a confirmed presence at Marintec 2018. Specialist in Motorola radiocommunication systems integration, Jevin is also part of the group of optimists. Guilherme Capistrano Cunha, the company's commercial director, reveals that it is a challenge to remain in a market that has been stagnant for so long.
“I believe that, in the next two years, we will follow an evolution in the oil exploration/production business and the consequence will be an increase in the demand for products and services in this area that we operate in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)”, says Cunha.
Wilhelmsen, a multinational with a branch in Rio de Janeiro, with a wide range of solutions for the naval area, will also have its presence confirmed at the event.
“The year 2018 should still be one of transition to better days for the industry ahead. We expect growth in sales of more products in the portfolio to companies present in Brazil in the naval market, as well as in the offshore market, which has been shrinking in recent years, but is already showing signs of recovery”, says the North America sales manager. Wilhelmsen Ships Service's South & Central Marine Products Division, Augusto Vieira.
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What matters most to most people: Jobs

The recovery of employment levels is one of the great purposes of this event, in addition to the intention of helping to remove public accounts from the red, which is so important for the recovery of the naval sector in Rio de Janeiro.
The shipbuilding industry had a 49% drop in employed personnel in just two years, according to a survey released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), on June 21, 2018. ), The sector had 61,5 thousand vacancies in 2014 and ended 2016 with 31,5 thousand. Most of this drop occurred in the state of Rio de Janeiro, where 23 jobs were closed, and the contingent of 31 workers fell to just 8.
According to the words of the partner and managing director Brazil of M&O Partners, Jan Lomholdt, “We are seeing positive signs, mainly driven by OPEX (Operation Expenditure – capital used to maintain a company) and CAPEX (Capital Expenditure – amount earmarked for investments) offshore and we expect the maritime sector to get back on track throughout 2018 and into early of 2019”.
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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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