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For the first time, the Brazilian Navy and the United States 4th Fleet join forces in a joint naval operation with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 15/05/2024 às 14:57
For the first time, the Brazilian Navy and the United States 4th Fleet join forces in a joint naval operation with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington
Photo: IA/Representation

In a historic operation, the Brazilian Navy and the United States 4th Fleet begin joint military exercises with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, aiming to strengthen ties and increase interoperability between naval forces, while demonstrating a strategic presence in Latin America.

In an unprecedented event, the Brazilian Navy (MB) and the United States 4th Fleet began a joint operation with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, symbolizing a milestone in military collaboration between Brazil and the United States. The operation, called “Southern Seas 2024”, takes place from May 15th to 24th, covering the maritime area from Espírito Santo to Rio de Janeiro.

The USS George Washington, one of the United States' premier naval assets, is known for its global power projection capabilities and plays a vital role in international operations and military exercises. The aircraft carrier's visit to Brazil not only reinforces defense ties between the nations, but is also seen, according to experts, as a strategic maneuver in the face of China's growing influence in Latin America.

Naval and air forces from the United States and the Brazilian Navy will carry out a series of exercises

China has intensified its relations with Latin American countries through investments and cooperation in various areas, raising concerns about its naval presence and strategic interests in international waters. The joint operation between the Brazilian Navy and the US 4th Fleet can be interpreted as a direct response to these activities, marking an assertive US stance in the region.

During the "Southern Seas 2024“, the naval and air forces of the United States and Brazil will conduct a series of exercises designed to improve interoperability and strengthen mutual cooperation. In addition to the USS George Washington, the destroyer USS Porter, the logistics support ship USNS John Lethal and the US Coast Guard ship SCGC James are participating in the operation.

Exercises reflect the Brazilian Navy's ongoing commitment to naval diplomacy

On the Brazilian side, the frigates Independência and União will be mobilized, along with aircraft such as the UH-1 Ah 155b Super Cougar, AH-11B Wild Lynx and AF-1 Skyhawk. These exercises reflect the Brazilian Navy's ongoing commitment to naval diplomacy and its ability to act as a force for stability in the region.

Operation “Southern Seas 2024” is a clear example of the importance of military and diplomatic relations between the United States and Brazil, highlighting the vital role that these interactions play in maintaining maritime security and geopolitical balance in Latin America.

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16/05/2024 04:46

The whole world knows that the United Criminals of America are the worst thing in the world! Many alienated people have finally realized this.
And, in this eternal colony of **** beings, the backward, submissive, cowardly and submissive Brazilian and US Armed Forces remain on their knees before these bloodthirsty parasitic scumbags who have completely destroyed dozens of countries.
But fortunately, the Satanist Zionist Empire is crumbling and a new Multipolar World is emerging in full force.
What's left for these scumbags is to carry out "joint operations" with militarily insignificant countries, like their eternal banana colony.
**** Worms that don't even have a single hypersonic missile, rocket boosters (they used Russia's), and so many other devices and weapons that countries much more advanced in military technology (Russia, North Korea, Iran and China) have had for a long time.
A new Multipolar World is emerging, and it is a HUGE SHAME for Brazil to lend itself to this type of eternal submission instead of carrying out joint operations with countries that truly want a developed and better world (like those I mentioned). It is throwing a golden opportunity in the trash.
Backward, mediocre, grotesque people, who have not evolved at all and still live in the Cold War era.

17/05/2024 10:55

Will it be possible to see the USS George Washington from anywhere in RJ?

Roberto Dias Alvares
Roberto Dias Alvares
20/05/2024 10:52

Brazil has not yet chosen which side it wants to follow. While it is allied with the BRICKS economic bloc with a communist-socialist bias, it is psychologically dependent on the Americans. This is the result of changes occurring in the political scenario itself, where sometimes the right wing is in power, sometimes the left wing. What is left for our armed forces is to make the most of these exercises by trying to understand what the real military interest of the United States is close to our backyard. In our time, to think that Russia or China are approaching Latin America without interest is to be naive. We are rich in raw materials, water, oil and natural resources. One positive point is the modernization of the navy with PROSUB and the construction of new frigates. The air force with the GNI fighters and the transfer of technology are a step forward, that is, there is still hope for improving our armed forces allied with the army's ability to fight in the jungle, something that the Americans have never known how to do.

Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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