Senai Bahia has 7.350 open places in technical courses and 1.070 free scholarships available. Registration can be done online or in person. Only candidates with an average above 500 on the ENEM can apply for scholarships.
Opportunity knocks at the door! This Thursday, (16/05), Senai Bahia has a new selection process open and offers a wide range of opportunities: there are 7.350 vacancies in technical courses distributed in 12 cities in Bahia. But the great news doesn't stop there!
For those looking for a free chance to improve, 1.070 scholarships are available, 605 for face-to-face learning and 465 for blended learning. Stay tuned so you don't miss this chance to invest in your professional future.
How to enroll in Senai technical courses?
Registration is now open and can be done free of charge online, through the official Senai Bahia website, or in person at the candidate service centers at the institution's units.
- SENAC is offering 2.000 vacancies in free technical courses in Logistics, Occupational Safety, School Secretariat, Nutrition, Programming and many others! Sign up and secure your place!
- Ita Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica is now accepting applications for NEW free online distance learning courses with certificates and no selection process for candidates of any age from all over Brazil
- Get a master's degree at MEC! The Ministry of Education is calling for a professional master's degree in Philosophy with the right to certification
- Free technical courses with more than 13 thousand vacancies are offered by Senac in areas such as fashion, health and management, to transform your career
Click here To sign up.
Pay attention to deadlines, as opportunities are competitive and places can fill up quickly.
For candidates who meet the requirements established by Senai, there is the possibility of competing for one of the 1.070 scholarships.
It is necessary to have obtained an average score equal to or greater than 500 points in the National High School Exam (ENEM) in the years 2016 to 2023, declare low income and meet the other criteria present in the selection process notice.
This is a opportunity Unique for those looking for professional development, but facing financial limitations.
Special discount to get one of the places
For those who do not meet the criteria for scholarships, there is no reason to be discouraged!
Until July 03rd, you can guarantee your vacancy with a special discount of 30% on the first monthly fee, offered by Senai for both face-to-face and blended courses.
A unique opportunity to take the first step towards professional success at a more affordable cost.
What technical courses are offered at Senai?
With a diversified offer, Senai Bahia offers 22 technical course options, including Administration, Industrial Automation, Systems Development, Workplace Safety, among others.
These courses are distributed in several cities such as Alagoinhas, Camaçari, Feira de Santana, Salvador, and many others.
Consult the complete list of technical courses available on the Senai Bahia website and choose the one that best aligns with your professional goals.
A opportunity Investing in your technical training is closer than ever, thanks to Senai Bahia's initiatives.
Whether through scholarships or a special discount, the path to a successful career is within your reach.
Don't let this chance slip away, sign up for Senai's technical courses now and embark on the path to professional qualification!