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750 vacancies for free programming courses are being offered by Senai de Pernambuco

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 30/08/2022 às 14:22
Updated 01/09/2022 às 21:58
Vacancies, courses, Senai
Photo: reproduction pixabay.com

Senai vacancies aim to train programmers in the front-end and back-end areas. Enrollment for the courses is open until the 31st, Wednesday

The National Service of Industrial Learning of Pernambuco (Senai-PE) opened, on Monday (29), 750 vacancies for free qualification courses in the area of ​​information technology. The courses are aimed at training front-end and back-end programmers.

Those interested in participating in the selection process for vacancies in programming courses can register until this Wednesday, 31st, at website from Senai of Pernambuco. The classes of the courses will be at a distance.

Target audience for course vacancies

Course vacancies are aimed at low-income people who have completed high school and who achieved an average of 550 points or more in the National High School Examination (Enem) between 2019 and 2021. accessed on the institution's website.

The front-end programmer course lasts 348 hours. In it, students will learn to program all content visible to the user, such as layouts and visual effects, using technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For this course, 500 vacancies are being made available.

The back-end programmer course will last 450 hours, focusing on the non-visual part of the system, using the C# language. For this course option, 250 vacancies are being offered.

filling in the vacancies it is made from the general ranking order of the candidates and the result of the selection process should be announced on Thursday, 1⁰. Approved candidates will receive, by email, a link to complete the registration, which must be done between Friday, 2nd, and Saturday, 3rd.

Enrollment in the course

For registration, it is necessary to attach copies of the following documents:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate;
  • School record or school document;
  • Personal identification document with photo (identity, driver's license, passport or work card);
  • CPF;
  • Proof of address;
  • Self-declaration of low-income condition and proof containing the Enem scores;

Senai do Espírito Santo is also offering vacancies in free courses

Senai do Espírito Santo is offering more than a thousand vacancies in courses free Initial and Continuing Training (FIC), in the form of Professional Qualification, of short duration. Classes will start on September 19th.

Vacancies are being offered at Senai do Espírito Santo units in Araçás (Vila Velha), Aracruz, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Civit (Serra), Colatina, Linhares, São Mateus and Vitória. Interested parties can choose which course best suits their needs.

The free Initial and Continuing Training (FIC) courses are professional training aimed at initiation – aimed at young people and adults who are starting their professional careers, with no minimum schooling requirement for candidates.

The courses offered by Senai are:

  • Cachoeiro Unit: Mechanical designer; Production controller and programmer; Residential installer electrician; Storekeeper; Installer and Repairer of Computer Networks.
  • Vila Velha Unit: Production controller and programmer; Residential installer electrician; Industrial Seamstress of Mesh Fabric; Plasterer.
  • Vitória Unit: Low voltage building installer electrician; Residential installer electrician; Quality control assistant; Administrative assistant.
  • Serra Unit: Production planning, programming and control assistant; Logistic assistant; Residential installer electrician; Quality Control Assistant.
  • Aracruz Unit: Industrial Clothing Seamstress – knit fabric; Administrative assistant; Residential electrician; Computer operator; Storekeeper; Production controller and programmer.
  • Colatina Unit: Industrial clothing seamstress – flat fabric; Custom furniture joiner; Low voltage industrial electrician installer; Computer operator.
  • Linhares Unit: Low voltage building installer electrician; Logistic assistant; Residential installer electrician; Quality Control Assistant.
  • São Mateus Unit: Quality control assistant; Production programmer controller; Computer operator; Brazier; Logistic assistant.


To register and obtain more information, interested parties should look for a Senai unit in Espírito Santo or contact the Customer Service (SAC): (27) 3334-5929 or sac@senai-es.org.br. Applications are open until the 16th of September.

Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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