Below is a list of some companies that have open positions in the industrial, construction and oil sectors
Some companies are still with open opportunities in Brazil in various types of employability. They are vacancies ranging from elementary school, vocational education to higher positions such as technician and higher education. Today we will list a list of some that are open and we will update this post as we find some more, the only request we would like to make is that you send your resumes only if you fit the duties of the positions.
Industrial Manager ⇒ Bachelor's degree in Production, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical or Business Engineering. Experience in the industrial area and strategic development. Send your resumes to
- Thermodynamics Explained — To keep a cup of coffee hot, should you hold it in your hands or place it on the table?
- How about earning R$7.520,00 per month working at Senac? Senac is looking for people interested in working 30 hours a week as a gastronomy education monitor; See how to secure the job vacancy
- Sesi offers R$9.119,47 per month for those interested in working 20 hours per week as an examining doctor; Check out how to secure a job vacancy
- Assaí Atacadista announces job opening with great salary + medical and dental assistance, basic food basket card, transportation voucher, partnerships with Gympass and TotalPass gyms and other benefits; See how to secure the kitchen assistant position
MIG/MAG welders ⇒ Complete high school education required, qualification course in the area and minimum experience of 2 years in the function, which must be proven in the portfolio. Interested send your CV to
Electrician Technician ⇒ Complete technical training, knowledge in SCSP panels, experience in transmission and distribution substations and willingness to travel. The contact to send your CV's is, mentioning the name of the function in the subject
Technician/Technologist Safety or Hygiene ⇒ Recognized training at a school authorized by MEC, experience in the field of consulting or occupational health, availability to work in Judiai or region. The email is cv.
Professionals for Consortium ⇒ The Transbrasil Consortium is publishing an e-mail for those who want to work on the BRT works in Rio de Janeiro, civil and technical professionals can apply at
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Unemployment had a small drop from 13% to 11%, but it is still far from the ideal of 4% (data from the last sense). Making the resume be seen by companies outside these numbers is very difficult but not impossible. Here's how to maximize your chances: 1st identify the name of the vacancy in the SUBJECT of the e-mail; 2º Apply only for vacancies for which they have the attributions requested; 3º Make CVs well formatted and without mistakes in Portuguese.