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IFMA announces 500 vacancies in free distance learning specialization with certificate of completion

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 14/11/2022 às 12:51
Updated 21/12/2022 às 10:01
IFMA announces 500 vacancies in free distance learning specialization with certificate of completion
Photo: IFMA/Disclosure

IFMA has applications open for free specialization courses in the EAD modality. Those who are approved will have a certificate of completion at the end of each specialization.

O Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IFMA) announced the opening of 500 vacancies for free e-learning specialization courses lato sensu in Informatics in Education, with the right to a certificate of completion. Vacancies in free courses are spread across the campuses of Buriticupu, Grajaú, Cururupu, Esperantinópolis, Pedreiras, Montes Altos and São Roberto.

Learn how to enroll in free courses and receive your certificate of completion

The selection process for the free distance learning specialization has a quota system. According to the notice released by the IFMA, 5% of the opportunities are aimed at disabled people, 5% for the self-declared indigenous and 20% for self-declared black.

In the first case, it is necessary to send a medical report to prove the condition. Finally, those interested in free courses must attach the form provided in the signed and completed notice.

Enrolling in the opportunities they offer certificate of completion is free and must be done until November 22nd, exclusively on the IFMA Selection Processes.

In order to register, the applicant must complete a registration on the Citizen's Portal, in accordance with the guidelines in the notice. Registration approval will be announced on the 25th of this month. If it has been rejected, the candidate will have until the 26th to file an appeal. The publication of the final list of approved registrations will be available from 22:26 on November XNUMXth.

Understand how the selection process for the free distance learning specialization at IFMA will work

The selection process for free courses with certificate of completion there will be no objective evidence. Candidates for the free EAD IFMA specialization will be selected through a draw held on November 28th at the Institution's Rectory headquarters and also at Pedreiras Campus. This draw will also be broadcast on the IFMA YouTube channel.

The result will be available for consultation on November 30th and no appeal will be allowed. Regarding registration, the 1st call will take place on December 6th. The selected candidates will have the 7th and 8th to carry out the procedure through the Institution's Selection Processes website. 

IFMA points out that the required documentation is RG, proof of residence, CPF, medical report for people with disabilities, electoral discharge certificate, voter registration, birth certificate, in the case of a male candidate, reservist certificate, declaration or graduation diploma stating that the candidate is in the last year and declaration of quotas contained in the public notice, only for those registered quotaholders.

There will be two more calls for registration, which will be made on December 13th and 16th. The inaugural class will take place on January 17th, where candidates approved for free courses with certificate of completion will previously have a password and user code to access.

About IFMA

O Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IFMA) was created by Law 11.892, of December 29, 2008, from the integration of the Federal Center for Technological Education of Maranhão (CEFET) and the Federal Agrotechnical Schools, of São Luís, São Raimundo das Mangabeiras and Codó.

The purpose of IFMA is to promote professional, scientific and technological education committed to citizen training for sustainable development. Its vision is to be an institution of excellence in teaching, extension and research, of national and international reference, inducing the development of the State of Maranhão. IFMA values ​​ethics, cooperation, social inclusion, democratic and participatory management and innovation.

Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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