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PL that taxes the use of solar energy could generate 1 million jobs, according to data from Absolar

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 25/04/2021 às 17:29
Updated 29/04/2021 às 11:45
PL - solar energy - taxation of the sun - job vacancies
Brasília - Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) inaugurates the first solar plant installed on the roof of a federal government building (MME headquarters) (José Cruz/Agência Brasil)

According to data from Absolar, the PL approving the taxation of the sun could generate 1 million job openings in the solar energy sector over the next 30 years

The new Coronavirus Pandemic has impacted the world globally, including Brazil, generating millions of unemployed people. In a country like ours, which last year alone had an average of 13,5% unemployed, solar energy is of paramount importance to stabilize the Brazilian economy again. O PL 5829 / 2019, which supports the “taxation of the sun”, or rather, of solar energy, plans to generate one million new jobs over the next 30 years, in all 26 Brazilian states.

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Solar energy: The data of the new PL that approves the taxation of the Sun

Solar energy tax

According to the President of the Free Solar Movement (MSL), Hewerton Martins, the approval of the PL that approves the “taxation of the Sun” could generate several job vacancies in approximately more than five thousand municipalities in Brazil. According to him, last year alone, solar energy generated 86 jobs and attracted R$ 13 billion in investments in Brazil.

For this year, the absolate estimates that 147 new jobs will be generated throughout Brazil. According to Hewerton, the chain is wide and involves several stages in a single production, such as, for example, products and shopkeepers, that is, just like the agricultural sector, the market is extensive.

The PL that supports the “sun tax” benefits those who produce their electricity from solar energy and injects the rest into the local distribution network, according to the public law specialist at Kolbe Associated Lawyers, Leticia Zeringue. According to the PL, those classified as installed mini and micro generators will have a 50% or 100% discount on charges and tariffs. For those of 100%, the remaining amount will be allocated to applicants from energy distributors and, for the others, it would be 50%.

If approved, the PL that taxes solar energy, in addition to generating new jobs, will move the economy linked to the electricity sector and its aspects.

Letícia Zeringue also recalls that we will have environmental benefits provided by solar energy, as it is a renewable, sustainable and clean energy, contributing to the reduction of gases such as CO2 in the atmosphere. The specialist also highlights that in the crisis we are experiencing, both in health and in the economy, the taxation of solar energy is of paramount importance, since due to the generation of job vacancies, the social balance could be equalized.

Words from a PMMF member about the taxation of solar energy

According to Ulisses Penachio, a partner at PMMF Advogados and a specialist in public law, this standardization is unstable because it is not a legal norm, that is, it can easily change.

According to him, investors need to feel safe in the environment, without major risks of shock. For the generation of electricity to grow, there are many issues that still need to be invalidated with some clarity.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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