Human resources company in Vitória ES is disclosing email for internship registration in various functions
Human resources company is advertising vacancies for internship in Vitória Espírito Santo. The company responsible for the vacancies did not inform the procedures and requirements. Students who apply for vacancies, be very attentive when filling out the registration form, avoiding errors that could cause its cancellation in the selection process. Continue reading the article to find out about the vacancies and how to register.
The vacancies available
- Business Administration
- Occupational Safety Technician
- Administration Technician
Did you know that almost half of the companies that hire through internships are awarded, innovative companies and are among the best companies to work for and/or to start a career? So take advantage of this great opportunity to start your career through an internship. An important fact is that most companies sign the intern's portfolio.
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Registration for vacancies
Some important tips when sending your resume by email. Pay attention to the instructions on how and where it should be sent. Send it as an attachment or in the body of the email? If there is no specification in the employer's request for a way to send the resume, prefer to send it in the body of the email. Those interested in vacancies register through the address and for more information call the number (27) 3315-4818.
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