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Cetam opens 12,8 places in free online and distance learning courses in Amazonas, in the areas of Accounting, Libras, Interpersonal Relations and much more

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 23/05/2021 às 11:33
Cetam - Amazonas - free online courses - EAD
Student studying in free CETAM AM courses – Source: Reproduction Google

12,8 vacancies in free distance learning courses are available through Cetam in Amazonas. Registration will begin on the 25th, from 6 am to 23:59 pm, stay tuned!

The Amazonas Technological Education Center (CETAM) is offering 12.800 vacancies for free courses in the area of ​​professional qualification. The courses will all be in the distance learning modality (EAD).

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Find out how to sign up for free distance learning courses in Amazonas

Registration will be opened by Cetam, this Tuesday (25), from 6 am to 23:59 pm. To register, interested parties must access the e-mail address to fill in the registration form.

Candidates will only be able to enroll in just one course out of the 12 available at Cetam. The free distance learning courses available on amazon are:

  • Basic Accounting Applied to the Public Sector;
  • Word Form and Google Forms;
  • Pounds Level 1;
  • Notions of Public Budget;
  • Management Notions for Entrepreneurs;
  • Web Security Basics;
  • Interpersonal Relations at Work;
  • Administrative routines;
  • Text production;
  • Event organization;
  • Event Reception;
  • Customer service.


Forecast of disclosure of the list of subscribers in the free distance learning courses in Amazonas

The list of those who signed up for the courses will be released on Wednesday (26), on the Cetam website. A confirmation email will be sent with login and password to access Avea between June 1st and 3rd.

The classes of the free EAD courses are scheduled to start on the 7th and, a month later, on the 6th of July, they will end. The course will last an average of two hours a day.

Cetam generating opportunities amid the pandemic

Cetam offers several courses for the Amazonian population, with the aim of meeting the needs of the labor market. The courses are in three segments: Technical courses, digital inclusion and professional qualification. At the beginning of the month, the education center had already made available 30 vacancies for free distance learning courses, which were distributed to 56 municipalities in Amazonas. The courses were made available under the guidance of the State Government.

In March, Cetam also made 6.120 vacancies available, divided into 42 free distance learning courses, however, only for Manaus. What is expected for these courses is that distance learning classes follow the “Methodological guide for remote teaching”, which was launched in February this year by the institution itself.

Following the model of previous courses, there is a great possibility that the activities of these courses will be carried out through Google Meet, Google Classroom and messaging applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

It is worth noting that each of the students enrolled in the courses will need to have a technological infrastructure, such as a computer, notebook or smartphone with internet access to follow the classes.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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