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Embrapii and BNDES: R$30 million incentive for the Forestry Bioeconomy in Northern Brazil

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 22/05/2023 às 14:18
Embrapii and BNDES: incentives for Forestry Bioeconomy in Northern Brazil

The Inova+ Digital and Sustainable Industry program, a joint initiative by Embrapii (Brazilian Company for Industrial Research and Innovation) and BNDES (National Development Bank), provides R$ 30 million to companies wishing to invest in Forestry Bioeconomy projects.

This is an area of ​​great potential for exploration in northern Brazil, with technological, economic and social development. It is a unique opportunity for companies committed to sustainable projects that intend to generate jobs and income in the region.

This resource is an investment within the R$ 145 million allocated to encourage industrial innovation in seven strategic areas, of which Forestry Bioeconomy is one of the most important. The objective is the technological and sustainable development of the North of the country, which will bring economic and social benefits.

Companies in the North of Brazil, in particular, have unique conditions to access these resources and contribute to the promotion of projects that foster the Forestry Bioeconomy. To maximize the use of these resources, the Embrapii has traveled the country, holding events with companies in all regions to present the project contracting model, improving competitiveness and productivity.

On May 30, the Embrapii and the BNDES carry out, in Belém (PA), another one of its thematic events, this time exclusively for Forestry Bioeconomy. Large, medium and small companies, startups and representatives of research centers interested in exploring the potential of forestry bioeconomy projects in the North region can participate. Registration is open and can be done through the link.

Forestry Bioeconomy Project: Success Stories

At the event, participants will have the opportunity to hear testimonials from companies that have already had their ideas transformed into businesses in the area of ​​Forestry Bioeconomy. In total, seven projects from eight contracting companies will be presented, which together received a contribution of R$ 14,5 million in investments.

Among the projects, the development of protein extracts from residues from the extraction of cupuaçu and Brazil nuts for food applications stands out. This endeavor is supported by the JBS Fund for the Amazon and by the Embrapii Senai ISI Biossintéticos Unit.

The diversity of projects presented shows the breadth of ideas that can be financed by the joint initiative of Embrapii and BNDES. The possibilities are countless, from the development of biomaterials and biodegradable packaging to advanced solutions for the use of forest residues.

The Forestry Bioeconomy in Northern Brazil

O north of Brazil has a very large potential for investments in Forestry Bioeconomy. It is an area prone to innovation and sustainable development, which will bring benefits to society. For this reason, companies in the region have special conditions to receive non-reimbursable funds, which encourage industrial innovation.

Embrapii has already supported 35 companies in the North region of the country in the development of 52 technological innovation projects. Of these, 15 have already been concluded and resulted in eight requests for intellectual property. The total investment reached R$89,13 million, showing the importance of the program initiated by Embrapii and the BNDES in the region.

To further maximize innovation projects in the area, Embrapii accredited four additional research institutes as Embrapii Units: the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT ) and the Senai Innovation Institute (ISI) in Pará. Together, these units will receive an investment of R$ 9,6 million.

Accreditation was carried out through a partnership between Embrapii, BNDES and the Ministry of Education (MEC) and complements the presence of Embrapii's ecosystem in the north of the country.

The joint initiative by Embrapii and BNDES is an important step towards stimulating industrial innovation in the North region of Brazil

The R$ 30 million made available for the Forestry Bioeconomy area offer the opportunity for companies in the region to invest in sustainable projects that contribute to the improvement of the economy and the environment.

The diversity of projects presented at the events and the expansion of accreditation of research units open up a range of innovation possibilities for startups and companies of all sizes that intend to contribute to the development of northern Brazil. It is a unique opportunity to promote projects with high technological, economic and social potential.

Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 2.300 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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