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Offshore company from Rio das Ostras and Macaé is hiring to work on the P-47, P-48 and P-50

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 23/08/2017 às 15:06
Updated 13/09/2018 às 15:46


CSE Rio das Ostras

For offshore positions, there are vacancies for welders, boilermakers, painters, helpers, technicians and other occupations.

Company offshore which recently picked up maintenance contracts after UTC lost its contract with Petrobras due to contractual differences, the CSE has been picking up professionals in many roles since the beginning of August. Click Petróleo e Gás went in search of more information, and it is still receiving resumes for activities on some platforms in the Campos Basin. These platforms are the P-47, P-48 and P-50.

Remembering that Aker Solutions bought a large part of CSE, which now owns 70% of the company, and ironically, one is close to the other in the city of Rio das Ostras, after a few meters from the Patrol leaving Macaé.( CLICK HERE TO SEE THE COMPANY ADDRESS)

As you can see in the photo, there is a notice for professionals who wish to be part of the staff to send or register their resumes. CSE usually hires welders, boilermakers, painters, helpers, electrical/mechanical maintenance technicians. The company's concierge informed me of these, but as I discover more I will update this article. See the photo below:

CSE taking offshore

How to apply

There are two recruitment channels. The 1st is by email, which is recruitment@csemil.com or through the site itself, in the “WORK WITH US” tab. If you have CBSP, HUET, NR-10, NR-33, NR-35 and technical courses, there are great possibilities for you to participate in selection processes at the company.

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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